There are 4 extra words in that bottom part for some reason.
There are 4 extra words in that bottom part for some reason.
Unfortunately voters voted against voting reform where it was on the ballot. No fucking idea why, most Americans are practically subhuman.
The most painful thing about voting reform is that it was up for voting in multiple states. And most of them chose the objectively worse system we currently have.
Very dumb picture. Hoping the people dragging us to hell get what’s coming to them is normal and healthy.
Yankees who say the South is so nice or welcoming are gullible at best. some older folks will follow a sort of law of hospitality, but most everyone here is cruel and spiteful under whatever facade of niceness they may have. Being raised here really taught me how valueless ‘niceness’ is.
There is room to call for more pronouns, but individual and unique monikers are not that. Japan has a range of pronouns that are more useful (or at least more interesting) than what English has, and some languages lack even English’s anemic selection (like, French doesn’t have an official neutral pronoun apparently).
Our phones in America get amber alerts and extreme weather notifications too, so idk what this article is on about