That’s what I was referring to. Thank you for elucidating it, though, for others that may not have known.
That’s what I was referring to. Thank you for elucidating it, though, for others that may not have known.
Both, but verifyng an emotional response in an animal is probably difficult to prove scientifically.
I was spared but my wife was damaged by this also. I watched it with her as an adult and couldn’t believe people let their kids watch it.
The 80s were so brutal. We had a kids movie that starts with the main character’s horse dying from sadness.
“I am a leaf on the wind. Watch how I soar.” are some damn fine final words.
You can’t take the sky from me.
I can’t believe they had us watch that in gradeschool.
Just trying to help where I can through pedantry. Had someone this morning use “all intensive purposes” and he was amazed at how much more sense the actual phrase makes. Recontextualized things for him a bit.
Hey wow! A headline that isn"t answered with “no”.
A cursory search reveals that many other animals shed tears.
Humans are not the only animal that sheds tears. Note they specify emotional tearing is considered uniquely human but do not specify tearing as uniquely human. Plus they studied tears in mice as stated in the beginning of the abstract.
Human Tears Contain a Chemosignal
Emotional tearing is a poorly understood behavior that is considered uniquely human. In mice, tears serve as a chemosignal. We therefore hypothesized that human tears may similarly serve a chemosignaling function. We found that merely sniffing negative-emotion–related odorless tears obtained from women donors induced reductions in sexual appeal attributed by men to pictures of women’s faces. Moreover, after sniffing such tears, men experienced reduced self-rated sexual arousal, reduced physiological measures of arousal, and reduced levels of testosterone. Finally, functional magnetic resonance imaging revealed that sniffing women’s tears selectively reduced activity in brain substrates of sexual arousal in men.
He sacrificed himself to save Anakin Solo on Sernpidal.
At the start of the war with the Yuuzhan Vong, before the galaxy even knew of the enemy they would soon be facing, the Millenial Falcon was on Sernipdal to pick up a shipment. Sernipdal’s moon was falling, actually being pulled down by a Vong lifeform that manipulates gravity.
The Falcon was being loaded with evacuees and Anakin Solo was hit by a blast of wind taking him away from the ship. Chewy chases Anakin down, scoops him up, and rushes back to the Falcon. He’s just able to get Anakin into the ship when another shockwave hits, knocking Chewy away from the Falcon.
With no time left, Han is forced to take off or lose everyone on board. Chewbacca understands and as a last defiant act he throws his arms wide and bellows out a might rookie roar.
Chewbacca’s death hit me damn hard when I read that book. Recalling it now to write this even brought tears to my eyes. A hero so noble and mighty it took a moon to defeat him.
Anakin’s death later in the same series was pretty awesome but not as wrenching emotionally.
right away
Maybe it was autocowreckt but the phrase is “right of way”.
It is.
You’ve heard the phrase “the devil is in the details”…well what is data if not details?
Oligarchy, kakistocracy, kleptocracy take your pick.
I know I didn’t do it justice but Salvatore really did give Chewie a glorious hero’s death, honoring his life debt to the end.