It came from Latin so the claim is still right, but for the wrong reasons
FIFA is not European, just because its headquarters are there.
The kind of corruption you see there is more typical of South America. And it was a Brazilian who took it from yet another sport to the scale it is now.
South Central and Caribbean duh
You may have heard about North America but that’s a hoax. Who would be gullible to believe there’s people who behave like USA’ians?
Canada is another hoax, it’s just the part of Greenland where people live.
I really wanted to up vote 3 times
Why are you comparing engineering with art rates? Not even engineering is a level playing field, same as art. Imagine charging the same for a colored pencil drawing vs metal sculpture.
As your experience goes up, also does your speed. And the overall quality of the result.
I don’t do drums but I’m sure you can develop bad habits with any instrument if you don’t get proper lessons.
You can learn a lot by yourself, but if you start getting serious (like 1+h practice every day) get a teacher to look after your posture, hand position, arm movement yadda yadda
There’s 3 ways to model 4 seasons. All 3 ways recognize there are 4 seasons.
That seems to be specific to where you are
2/3rds were bots before half the users left. Now it’s 4/3 all bots.
Pathetic. Every year Europe gang is late to the party
Signed, Australia gang
Funny that you don’t mention company owners or directors who are supposed to oversee what happens, in practice are the people putting pressure to make that happen, and are the ones liable in front of the law.
Hahaha so naive
I think this is the only answer that I can understand