I haven’t been able to try Linkding on any of my servers yet, as neither OpenBSD nor OmniOS are supported. I would probably like it if it did.
Runterwählen ist kein Gegenargument.
[Verifying my cryptographic key: openpgp4fpr:941D456ED3A38A3B1DBEAB2BC8A2CCD4F1AE5C21]
I haven’t been able to try Linkding on any of my servers yet, as neither OpenBSD nor OmniOS are supported. I would probably like it if it did.
I wish I knew.
Germany has the EU’s highest energy prices. Just saying.
Of course, all of this is just a personal preference.
Working on my better Hoarder alternative. Goal: maybe 2025.
Even if there was any truth to this, a good search engine remains unimpressed by world politics.
The fact that Russia does not remove maintainers for political reasons.
To my complete lack of surprise, Russia is seems to be a freer country for free software developers than the United States.
There is no difference other than a shiny logo and a “contract” that promises you that the random stranger will take care. I promise that I will take care too.
If you still think there is a relevant difference, please tell me. To me, it looks like you don’t fully understand what a password manager stored on other people’s computers does.
A cloud password manager is a database with your passwords hosted on a stranger’s computer. Why wouldn’t I be just as trustworthy as any other stranger on the internet?
My questions are to those of you who self-host, firstly: why?
Would you give me your password database? I promise to encrypt it!
My backup server is the only one of my servers that is located outside Germany. You know, in case the British come again. Or the data centre of my other servers burns down. Or something like that.
Every night, this server receives a (compressed, incremental) backup of the most important data (content and configuration files) from each of my other servers, which I created with Borg.