The fastest human made object moves at 1/1000 of the speed of light
Physics and Free Software
The fastest human made object moves at 1/1000 of the speed of light
Appologies. My presumption was civilized places don’t have such barbaric practices
Still a good answer 😆
Several questions:
Not phrasing your queries as a question makes it more likely you will find what you are looking for in a traditional search
Add one more to the tally. Did the offer a reason?
That is certainly true. My concern is if Lemmy doesn’t moderate to some arbitrary standard, one post could hold the entire platform liable. Something similar is happening with grindr rn. It’s a bunch of think of the children shit. Smaller platforms can be target for political among other reasons and there seems little recourse.
Are we getting to the point that doesn’t matter? For example, my understanding with icloud not being encrypted in the uk creates a loophole for any law enforcement agency willing to go through them
Do you use pillboxes? Made a huge difference for me. They have slots per day of the week. I have 5 color coded ones. 2 greens are new. 2 blues, and a red when I’m almost out. I refill everytime I fill my prescription.
I told my students to go flux themselves today
They dull knives
Think he our savior? Make him a crown of thorns
“Downloading chrome will improve the performance of this site”
What the fuck is this 2009?
There’s a saying some of our american comrads have: come and take it
that’s a lot of arguments
Perhaps today is a good day to die. Prepare for ramming speed!