This sounds a lot like that website where you can enter your password to check if it has been compromised.
i don’t think so
they see what’s coming and they want to protect people. mexico is getting more civilized while u.s. is sinking into its crueler depths
If you’re talking about have I been pwned, that site is actually legit. They have an API that compares hashes and stuff. I hope this app is legit too, it could save millions of people.
There’s one by …. Microsoft, I think?
It actually requests your password (vs email for HaveIBeenPwned) and checks it against rainbow tables. It doesn’t ask for other identifying information, so it’s okay, but feels super sketchy.
HIBP can check passwords. Some password managers integrate with it, like Bitwarden. Troy Hunt, the person behind HIBP
works at Microsoftis a Microsoft MVP.
Wouldn’t that just create a database of targets?
This is so their relatives know that they’re being sucked into the US ICE void. It’s a precaution to try and help ensure people don’t “disappear” for good. There have been hundreds, if not thousands, of people becoming “mysteriously lost” after being detained by US authorities.
This isn’t a Trump/GOP-only problem, but the GOP seem hell bent to make it even worse, so Mexico is preparing for that.