I don’t need a lecture about the event that I was a part of and left the site over lol. I was one of those mods. Look at my username - spez called us “Landed Gentry” during it.
I agree moderation has gotten a lot worse because of the exit of institutional knowledge/people who cared (as self-serving as that perspective is).
I don’t need a lecture about the event that I was a part of and left the site over lol. I was one of those mods. Look at my username - spez called us “Landed Gentry” during it.
I agree moderation has gotten a lot worse because of the exit of institutional knowledge/people who cared (as self-serving as that perspective is).
My question is: why are you still there?
Because Reddit is still the only place with large enough communities of various special interests.
Guarantee you you don’t need reddit for them.
Sure mate.