When Apple unveiled its AR/VR Vision Pro headset early last year the product was met with just an absolute ocean of tech press hype. You couldn’t spend thirty seconds online without reading a…
I just wanna get doxed in public by some dude wearing an implanted vision chip…then a year later he can’t see because that chip is not upgradable! Planned human obsolescence. Or Pho for short.
I just wanna get doxed in public by some dude wearing an implanted vision chip…then a year later he can’t see because that chip is not upgradable! Planned human obsolescence. Or Pho for short.
mmmm Phở
Absolutely delicious! Buy for the vegans we have need “I can’t believed its not Pho!” Or “IPho…impossible Pho”
There’s actually an iPho restaurant in the Twin Cities. No clue if it’s any good, but the name is fun.
I’ve been there! A friend of mine told me about it.
I hadn’t ever had pho before that. I thought it was good, but I’m not exactly a pho guru.