The control+shift+c bullshit is really fucking annoying to me. Control has other uses? Great, THATS WHAT THE META KEY IS FOR.
Apple got this right and linux should allow everyone to use apple key shortcut method where every system wide shortcut is meta+key because nobody, not even clicky clacky terminal emulator uses meta+key for anything else.
You know what ctrl+shift+c does in teams? It calls the entire chat. Really simple to do when you’re switching between editing a message and copying from terminal.
The control+shift+c bullshit is really fucking annoying to me. Control has other uses? Great, THATS WHAT THE META KEY IS FOR.
Apple got this right and linux should allow everyone to use apple key shortcut method where every system wide shortcut is meta+key because nobody, not even clicky clacky terminal emulator uses meta+key for anything else.
You know what ctrl+shift+c does in teams? It calls the entire chat. Really simple to do when you’re switching between editing a message and copying from terminal.