.ml tankies: “UkRAInE iS StILl a bUnCh oF NaZIs, rusSSia dID NoThIng WRonG”
Have you ever stopped to think about why? Probably not otherwise you wouldn’t be here acting like a butt hurt right-winger
For a defacto windows admin my Powershell skills are…embarrassing lol but I’m getting there!
I was chalking it up to some scripting languages just tending to be more popular (like python) and thus having more training data for them to draw from
But that’s a good point too lol
AI does decently enough on scripting languages if you spell it out enough for it lol, but IMO it tends to not do so well when it comes to compiled languages
I’ve tried Python with VScode Copilot (Claude) and it did pretty good
&& overworked
You’re gonna have to define “real corn”, there’s a lot that can be called “corn” here after all lmao
Hotmail 👎 Juno email 👍
Yea but getting something to do something that it wasn’t meant to do is part of the fun lol
…but…that’s true of all FS’s lol
Lol nah, exFAT is the only current FS (other than fat32) capable of being read AND written to by Linux, MacOS and Windows out of the box
exFAT is fully compatible with all modern OSs and any device running a somewhat modern Linux kernel
LMAO dude you need to keep up with your memes
Right? Everybody has different size hands, my hands are on the larger side and these bigger phones of today are actually pretty comfortable to me
Probably because I posted this like a month ago lol
Oh wow I thought that was just a meme, they actually did just black it all out‽ LMAOOO
PaRtY oF lAw aNd OrDEr
Unless it has temp tags