• shalafi@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    tl;dr: Having a real personality will get you laid more than money or muscles. Worked for me. Best yet, if you’re real, you get invited back, get to be a repeat offender. 😈 Advice from dad, “Son, if you want that pussy again, get in there and eat it right the first time.” Do that thing.

    Helps if you’re not trying to use a woman as a sex toy, treat them like another human you want to enjoy sex with. Also, solid grooming goes a long way, easy and free, or near enough. Trim your nails, style your hair, take a shower, brush and floss, dress yourself and lay off the pork rinds you fat fucks.

    SOURCE: Short, old, scrawny fucker with a 50+ body count. (Never went for count, gross stat, wanted solid relationships, just worked that way over the decades.)