I have a close friend that I’ve known 20 years who became obsessed with right-wing politics. even though I’m liberal, I don’t make it my entire personality and life. But anyway… I was talking to him this morning casually like friends do.
Me: “Hey man. Do you have off today for MLK day?” Friend: “No, I have to work today.” Me: “Damn, sorry to hear. I have off today since it’s a company holiday.” Friend: “Yeah, I work for a living. Guess that’s the difference me and people who live in an ivory tower.” Me: “Uhh I work for a living too. Idk why you’re acting like I don’t?” Friend: “I didn’t mean you specifically. But you’re off and I’m not so it shows that you get to relax at least. You should be able to handle the truth lol. There’s no shame in admitting that I’m a harder worker than everyone else. you shouldn’t be so sensitive”
Honestly, he’s not unique, either. I’ve met so many people who are conservative, obsessed with right-wing stuff, and they’re all like this. They act like they’re special and the whole world is lazy, “no one wants to work anymore” attitude.
Left aren’t any better, they have stallin apologists for one, in your quest to “give rights to minorities” you end up marginalizing the majority for two & three your open border policy causes massive economic damage
Plus I am talking about those said good actions, also there’s a world outside of politics
You’re a naive fool if you think democrats have an “open border policy”. Go talk to your right wing business owners and suggest that if we really wanted to stop illegal immigration, we would jail business owners who hire them. Surprise surprise, those right wing owners exploit these people but don’t really want to stop any illegal immigration.
Funny because, those right wing business owners never said that They would rather employ their own people, rather than those immigrants
You’re talking about corporations, who don’t really have any political affiliation & try to suck up to anyone who is currently in charge
Again you assume all right-winger are the same, People are very nuanced & it’s naive to go “Leftists = bad & Rightists = scumbags”
I imagine this is the kind of nonsense political take one develops when they go through life only skimming a few grade school social studies textbooks and actively disregarding all other reality or thought.
Sounds like you’re projecting your lack of insight into humans onto me Unlike your priviledge ass, I come from a minority & worked my way to a stable job
my fellow minorities (along with me) mostly never got the welfare that they deserve. You’re too busy crapping on Right-wingers & not actually putting in the work
Keep that up & you’ll lose even more footing, you need to clean up the opposition (As in the democrats), but judging from this Thread It’s not going to happen (I’ll be glad if it did though)
My guy 😭 you don’t know how wrong you are. I’m a black woman from a single mother that paid her own way to a bachelor and career in engineering. I am putting in the work, I am out on the streets in my community, organizing with a revolutionary party. I invite you to read through my comment history. Check your fucking privilege.
The Republicans and Democrats are both right wing parties of capital. Neither of them are on the side of the people and they absolutely were not about to give you welfare reform. They are beyond cleaning up.
Those are called tankies and nobody likes them. Especially those of us on the left.
“Marginalizing the majority”. Yeah, because white Americans are so marginalized with their hegemonic control over the state and capital.
Oh, no! The economy is tanking because Juan from Chiapas got a job picking oranges for a Dole contractor in California for less than federal minimum wage because his shitbird boss pays him under the table. Do you know how fucking stupid that sounds?
No, there is no world outside of politics. The personal is political. Choosing to associate with ignorant bigots says more about your values than any half-cocked appeal to moderation.
What hedgemonic control ? People have been losing jobs left & right
The right knows how to mask their hatred when it counts, while the left is busy virtue-signaling, Anyone half-intelligent will use whatever tools effective & honestly so will
Rightist policy of exclusion is pretty good you know, I want to exclude capitalists from society for e.g
noooo you HAVE to enforce borders with violence!!! How else will you keep out all the cretins from nations whose infrastructure you’ve destroyed and resources you’ve plundered!!! You can’t possibly take care of all those people, think of tHe EcOnOmY!!!
hahaha that’s so funny guy you really think this is a normal and well adjusted view of the world. Those scare quotes around uplifting minorities is a cherry on top. You’re so devoid of empathy you can’t even fucking imagine a world of people that actually care about each other for the sake of their humanity.
I’ll take a “stallin apologist” over a capitalist that cares more about his stocks than his fellow man. Any fucking day of the week.
I do care about empathy, just not for people who keep saying “Right wing bad, Left wing good” When have you actually done something for the working class ??
Oh & reminder Stallin apologists are class traitors, if these are the people you’d chose then you are basically killing your own movement you’re too busy marginalizing the majority, which can be turned to your side
I march in solidarity with striking union workers while the Conservatives in my area call for them to be ordered back to work.
Who told you that? The American capitalist class? You really trust what they have to say about the leader of a socialist country they were trying to justify a war with, and prevent their own working class from getting any ideas, at all costs?
I invite you to challenge all beliefs that have been formed under a state which finds itself threatened by socialist revolution.
And this is where the left fucks up. I live in a state full of ski resorts (and work for one) where they import cheap legal immigrant H1B and J1 labor rather than pay living wages to locals, depressing area wages and leading to a two tier society - the servants of the rich tourists (myself, literally), and the rich tourists. The rich tourists buy up all the housing and we have no housing for essential workers. I’m right now going through a nightmare healthcare situation because healthcare in vermont is virtually non existent - young people can’t afford to stay here, so it’s full of high medical needs retirees and wealthy second home owners and tourists. I had to call every single dental office in my area and up to an hour away to find one that would take my emergency situation.
During the 2020-2021 season, they couldn’t import labor because the borders were closed over covid. Guess what? I got a $4.00 an hour raise instead of a $0.40 raise. It’s simply not fair that corporations can arbitrage their labor costs but I can’t just get up and leave and go to Europe or some shit for better living conditions without jumping through a million difficult hoops meant to exclude me.
I support refugees coming here, I do not support the current immigration system that abuses cheap foreign labor and treats them like slaves because they have very few rights and if they meaningfully speak up at their work place asking for better work conditions they get sent home.
Liberals support that bullshit because it fuels their treat economy. Leftists should not.
Absolutely, I fully agree with you. We are experiencing the same depression of wages in the engineering sector because of these abusive practices. I still live quite comfortably as an engineer but I am watching the conditions develop for it to be taken from me as it has from others.
I question how it can be that I interact with more foreign nationals than the marginalized peoples of my own country, especially those like myself whom I grew up with that have all the same drive I do if not more. I am watching as the ladder that got me here is being stuffed with exploitable labor and pulled back up, when more should be going down and leading to more diverse careers that actually serve humanity. Unlike my industry whose entire business model is taking an essential service from our countrymen so they could sell it back to us in a form that regularly kills and financially burdens us.
Sorry about your health situation. It really sucks that we live under such oppressive conditions, with leaders would allow our needs to be deprived from us simply because we do not have the wealth that they are accountable to. It feels like a cliché to say money is the root of all evil but every day it gets harder to avoid such an apparent truth.
One of my favorite things is watching trumps base lose their fucking shit over musk and ramaswamys support for importing cheap foreign labor to enrich themselves.
I’ve always suspected the learn to code rhetoric was to cheapen the labor force on behalf of capitalists. I think the same thing now about trade work. Our rulers just want cheap exploitable labor and they don’t care how they get it. They’ll reinstate slavery (not that it ever fully left with the 13th amendment and all) any day now.
I don’t think it’s an accident that so much of that cheap foreign labor in the tech industry originates from India - a place with strict social hierarchy (caste system) and an undercurrent of fascism.
Yep. All of this. They want the “good” immigrants and the “middle” classes who can afford expensive education and travel, and not the lower classes that their own society is built on the backs of. Their base is just too easily blinded by racism to see the class war for what it is.
They don’t need to reinstate slavery, they already are able to employ people at wages below what it costs to feed, clothe, and house them. They don’t care how we live as long as they are making more money than last year, which includes profiting from our consumption. No, all they have to do is gradually replace their workforce with workers that accept lower compensation. Poverty, homelessness, recessions, debt, unemployment, these are all necessary components of capitalism. They keep the workforce desperate for any wage it can get. Capitalists have referred to it as “tempering” the workforce.
We need more Luigi’s to “temper” the capitalists
Hear, hear. I prefer socialist revolution of course but in the meantime I’m willing to compromise.