I have a close friend that I’ve known 20 years who became obsessed with right-wing politics. even though I’m liberal, I don’t make it my entire personality and life. But anyway… I was talking to him this morning casually like friends do.
Me: “Hey man. Do you have off today for MLK day?” Friend: “No, I have to work today.” Me: “Damn, sorry to hear. I have off today since it’s a company holiday.” Friend: “Yeah, I work for a living. Guess that’s the difference me and people who live in an ivory tower.” Me: “Uhh I work for a living too. Idk why you’re acting like I don’t?” Friend: “I didn’t mean you specifically. But you’re off and I’m not so it shows that you get to relax at least. You should be able to handle the truth lol. There’s no shame in admitting that I’m a harder worker than everyone else. you shouldn’t be so sensitive”
Honestly, he’s not unique, either. I’ve met so many people who are conservative, obsessed with right-wing stuff, and they’re all like this. They act like they’re special and the whole world is lazy, “no one wants to work anymore” attitude.
I’m “hateful” because I disagree that people who support a literal felon rapist get to be called “decent”?
It’s clear you’re just a troll, because you don’t even make an attempt at logic and immediately jump to insults to try to. Your post history proves that you desire downvotes like it somehow validates your pathetic child behavior.
The right has shown time and time again that they specifically want to define the entire party as “all or nothing” and we can only accept that as truth. Yet, when people treat them that way we are making things black-and-white, “Leftist good, Rightist bad”.
You can’t hide your true face, troll.
Have you ever IRL had a conversation with a trump supporter face to face? Ever? And what state do you live in. I’m so curious about this. Because you’re totally wrong and your wholesale dismissal of roughly half the country is an idiotic strategy if you ever wanna win an election again.
Absolutely. I live in a very red state. I constantly see racism and bigotry personally, and also my area is far too often in the national news due to the right’s actions. I’ve personally seen:
And that is not adding in smaller everyday examples of general hatred and bigotry.
Not only do I constantly interact with right wingers, as they are the vast majority of the population here, but I also have family that have been elected to state positions (as Democrat). I helped make that happen, as well. I have also been involved with other’s campaigns.
I have no idea how or why you are somehow connecting with my own personal judgement of people by their own actions with a “strategy” of winning elections.
This is the main disconnect. Right wingers either don’t want to believe that these horrible things are happening, or they simply like the behavior.
Ok I see the problem. You think all people who vote for trump are like the christofascists you’re unfortunately surrounded by. You’re wrong, they’re not. And that’s a terrible mistake to make.
The problem is that the right wing has defined themselves as such, because that is who they support and position to run our country. So, by supporting the right at all, then you are willfully supporting exactly those people. Trump has defined the party as “you’re with me or you’re out” and the party as a whole has joined in that.
Additionally, since Trump is the main leader of this whole party, then supporting the party means supporting him directly, of course. He is a clear liar, a convicted felon, and a proven rapist.
So, yeah, I’m going to lump all Trump voters together. That is based on their own actions, not by some arbitrary personal desire.
Except that’s simply not true. Every single trump voter I know IRL - and I know many, most people I know voted for him which is crazy - is not interested at all in christofascism and believes in states rights - that our states relatively progressive constitution will protect our social policies, women’s and queer rights for example. They’re mostly apolitical but culturally left and voted for trump because they hate Biden’s inflation economy and wars. Hell, I voted third party, because fuck biden.
What will be interesting is if the states rights crowd goes after states with constitutional policies they don’t like, like mine.
Ironically, like lemmy, the US is a federation and I think if it comes to it we will secede (defederate). The two things that I think we would secede over is if they fuck with our states abortion rights and if the US decides to try and have a war of some kind with Canada and Quebec retaliates by shutting off our electric, especially in winter.
If you are supporting the right wing, then your personal interests are irrelevant because the right wing is pushing their own interests which directly supports christofascists, neo Nazis, and the like.
How the fuck did you get that out of my comment. Jesus fucking Christ liberals have zero political understanding and automatically assume everyone who isn’t vote blue no matter who is a fascist right winger. The fucking irony. 🙄
Btw biden is a racist, segregationist, Zionist, wrote the 94 crime bill that locked up mostly black men, there isn’t a war he hasn’t voted for, he voted against abortion rights, the list goes on and on about how much a piece of shit he is from the start of his career till it’s finish. And you support that fucking piece of shit and think you’re not right wing? Fucking laughable. I’m somewhere between libertarian socialist and anarcho communist, I am anti capitalist anti imperialist. I voted for Ron Paul, Obama, Bernie in the primary and then boycotted 2016, biden in 2020 with instant regret because he’s one of the worst presidents we’ve ever had, and this year I voted for de la Cruz.
I fucking hate the democrats and their easily manipulated dumber than rocks vote blue no matter who supporters. They’re pathetic. They lack any knowledge of history or politics. They essentially support the Weimar Republic and wonder why they’re getting fascists in response.
And worst of all, they completely lack self reflection and are in denial about how bad they lost (landslide, especially my state) and why. Completely out of touch and need to be completely replaced by actual fucking leftists. They rather lose to fascists than offend their donors.
It seems you, personally, are unaware of the fact that the word “you” can also mean “a person” or “an individual”.
The Democratic party is not running itself as “you support Biden or you’re out”. There is plenty of dissent within the party itself, which is healthy IMO. You can vote Democrat without necessarily supporting Biden himself, unlike Trump and the Republican party. The right is pushing fascism. Straight up. This is not a hypothetical or hyperbolic sentiment.
Do I like and support the two party system? Absolutely not. I have lots of disagreements with many things that the Democrats do. But that pales in comparison to the right.