Seriously I’ve seen a guy see a bunch of pixels and go “Idk but that reminds me of Mexico” and he was right. There’s no way the three letter companies wouldn’t want that kind of skillset, right?
You can get jobs like that, sure. Normally called GIS analyst (geospatial informations systems)
For a while, the Australian Secret Intelligence Service GIS job applications were less about ticking boxes and more looking at a satellite image of a structure and being asked, “what is this, where is it, and why is it interesting”
And the answer might be "Its ostensibly a wastewater treatment plant, its in southern Iran, and its interesting because the truck parked next to the liquid chemical tank farm has an ISO gas storage trailer, not an ISO liquid storage container as might be expected.
Really it’s crowdsourcing and statistics. Show an image to a big enough crowd and someone will pick something up. It’s like the birthday problem but with geography.
There really are some good geoguessers. It’s not a crowd source game.
There are but they’re part of the crowd: They’ve just been doing it so long they’re great at it.
That’s not what crowd sourcing is.
I’m sure that those agencies have been contacting top players for that game over the last few years. But if those simply dont want to work for them, thats moot.