This really brings it home. Motherfucker went out of his way twice to display his white supremacy.
Just two guys throwing their hearts 🥰
"I throw my heart out to all of you…
I did nazi this coming.
Anne Frankly you should have.
He was trying to prove he is a true gamer after the accusations
What is not obvious is whether this was premeditated or did he just get too excited and said fuck it.
Or worse, was it just muscle memory?
I think he was high and absolutely did not give a damn because he’ll never be held accountable for anything.
"…They just let you do it. "
He did it at least twice.
wait so is that what a nazi salute is?
it just means throwing love?
This is completely acceptable then.
we should normalise this
Who are the assholes on the left? There is a little part of me that hopes they aren’t a group in america, because in america they would have been shot, but after the events of the last few
yearsdays I’ve lost hope.