I woke up (from a blackout) on the hood of a car. A car that was stopped at a red light and wasn’t the car my friends were driving. I guess I leapt out of the backseat and rolled around on their hood? Idk, I blacked out again then came-to again rolling through some wet grass. Blacked out again and woke up on a couch.
Turns out that humans can teleport.
Want more details? Me too. But I have no idea. It was more than two decades ago and I no longer drink.
Sometimes it’s better to not know and just say thank you.
Shit myself in the endagine maccas.
Sometimes I will mix up their and there or worse your and you’re! Another time my phone Auto corrected whose to who’s and I was to lazy to fix it.
Stuck the landing. Well done.
I thought my plane was on fire so I tried to pull the emergency fire suppression on the engines, but my fellow pilots stopped me.
(For Context: https://abcnews.go.com/US/former-alaska-airlines-pilot-shut-engines-flight-shares/story?id=113066835)
Wait is this actually you??? Or am I just another gullible fool on the Internet?
LMFAO, I was doing an impression of the dude. There’s no way a pilot is on Lemmy, especially not one that’s probably facing jail time right now.
There’s no way a pilot is on Lemmy
i’m pilot, icannfly
GA or ATP?
VFR multi. Got through instrument in sim but couldn’t get student loans anymore to go for actual IFR rating or commercial after that
I just posted two pictures of my boobs to a discord server of about 500 people from my city. We’ll see how I feel about that later. Atm they’re getting a good reception
Hey its me i live in your city