Physical therapy - i tell everyone to put ice in it and take Aleve for 3 days if it doesn’t interfere with your meds.
I have a friend that’s a doc. We’re not supposed to tell people because they will to spend all night talking to her about their medical problems.
It’s the same with plumbers, accountants, garage door repairers, mechanics, nurses, … everyone.
We all think, “why does everyone want my help for free?” but we’ve all asked someone with a skill for advice.
They’re all bad, but Firefox is terrible about this. Twice already in January I’ve had to make new passwords to pay bills. I was in my car when i did it and now i have no idea what those new passwords are. I’m so sick of letters, numbers, and special characters! No one is out there attempting to guess my gas company login password - they’re buying it from someone who hacked the gas company.