Wow. What a terrable plan. This is not what effective birth control looks like. Every good catholic girl knows you do it in the butt instead!
Good ol’ poophole loophole!
Why are you discussing condom use with your sister? 🤮
We’re sisters. We discuss everything.
wait, this is really you? fam, this isn’t mildly infuriating, this is massively worrying. you need to get your friends together and have an intervention with your sister – especially if Hamza’s likely to disappear when your sister inevitably gets pregnant. Besides, if he’s gaslighting her about this, who knows what other kind of emotional abuse he’s doing to her.
lol, jumping to MAXIMUM DRAMA
admittedly I’ve been watching a lot of Mexican telenovelas recently… but I think the point is valid!
Holy shit that’s an olympic level jump
Because sex isn’t a big no-no aw my gaawd taboo to everyone?
It’s not just taboo, it’s disgusting! And for good reason, sex is icky, and should never be talked about openly. I mean, what if someone else hears it??? Or worse… I’m feeling awkward just typing these words so I’m gonna stop in the middle of whatever im typ… 👀
You should contribute to ! where your perspective will be heard and validated.
It has zero posts… what if they don’t like my ideas?
How old is u, boy?
Send her shorts explaining conception. It might be the only thing she understands.
He’s 48 there’s a good chance nothing makes it to the egg
My dad was 45 when I was conceived
What do you call a person who practices the pull out method of birth control?
A parent.
Hey PO works great till it doesn’t
Ironically, PO also means to take orally, which is 100% effective
Since you’re a nurse, I’m convinced.
Be sure to print this out and give it to her in her first mother’s day card.
Someone doesn’t know that precum can contain sperm, too.
Last time I went looking for info on this I could only find relatively small scale studies, and from a quick search now it looks like nothing’s changed. Seems like something we should have a lot of knowledge about in 2025.
There’s a 2010 and 2016 study finding sperm in precum in the volunteers of 11/27 (41%) and 7/42 (16.7%) respectively. They had otherwise normal counts (except for one in the latter study).
I hate the arguments that always come from this, but you can get pregnant from precum. I’ve done it! A few minutes without a condom and then putting it on for the big show can still cause pregnancy. People freak out going ‘‘oh no, there is NO sperm in pre-cum!’’ And I’m like ''yeah, that’s not where the sperm is coming from, it’s coming from the tube all the sperm is left behind in. If the precum can flush out that sperm and cause pregnancy, probably a good idea to not develop a ‘‘it can’t’’ hardliner policy.
I always explained that precum lubed the tubes and if there’s sperms in those tubes… it’s coming out.
Not if you’ve peed since the last time you’ve came.
This is just blatantly false. I’m not sure where you heard this from, but don’t trust it, and stop repeating it.
*smash cut to nine months later*
She’s also 24 dating a 48-year-old so probably not the brightest 🤷
The fuck is with all these posts lately of gross age differences in couples like this.
No need to apologize for the obvious yuck factor.
I’ll be 48 before long and I already disgust myself. None taken.
Why would you? Your new sex partner may use some hand-me-downs from your children .
I will be sick into your eyeballs
Guy didn’t do the Age / 2 + 7 rule.
As a single guy in his late 40s (🤮), and using dating apps, I can say that there are a lot of young 20s that are very attractive. But, thinking about that, and putting my kids’ age into the mix, yeah it’s a no-go. Plus the disparity in things they like and things I like makes me wonder how awkward that would be; especially hanging out with their friends.
Im 50 and I game with some people who are younger. The differences are shocking even with the 30 year olds. It isn’ that they are kids as obviously they are not but I feel old a lot simply because I remember the 1970s.
He doubled her age and added 7, figured it was same thing.
We all see you hamza.
Man the older I get the more pathetic these tricks look.
Hamza’s breaking his country’s law (and where my sister’s living) too. Extramarital sex is illegal in Qatar!
Nnng. I will never understand why a woman would willingly live in that country.