I like to add a “let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” It’s a little bit more than just “I’m sorry”.
I’m assuming that you would be willing to help if you can. It would be pretty shitty to say if you didn’t mean it.
I like to add a “let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” It’s a little bit more than just “I’m sorry”.
I’m assuming that you would be willing to help if you can. It would be pretty shitty to say if you didn’t mean it.
The difference would be “How do you think we can prevent this in the future?” Vs “What the fuck were you thinking?!?”
Both questions are trying to figure out what went wrong, but one of them is more pleasant.
Honest answer: Because that sounds terrible.
I’m not going to waste my time cooking food that I won’t eat at it’s prime, just so it can take up my fridge space until I inevitably ruin it with a microwave later in the week.
Also, storing and reheating good creates MUCH more potential for contamination and food borne illness.
I can pay for my lunch with the money I make in the first half hour of the day. It’s not breaking the bank.
Extraterrestrial warfare!
Hi, that’s me. I get an hour for lunch during the week, and there are a handful of fast food places minutes from my work. I drive through, and sit in the parking lot eating my lunch and playing games on my phone. It’s my quiet time for the day.
There’s a bit of a game for some of these fast food places. Most people just roll up and order a #1 or whatever was in the commercials. That’s how they get ya!
Sometimes you need to download the app, or check the menu for a budget meal. A slightly smaller burger and less than a pound of fries is an adequate meal for around $5-7.
Not as much as “needing to toughen up”.
My daughter sold a painting for $250 last year. It was at a little gallery in a rural town.
She’s still in art school, so it was her first big sale.
If you haven’t already started looking for another job, start now.
Don’t let them force you into a bad move. Bide your time, make your plans and split when it works for YOU.
Not really, but whenever a year in the future is mentioned, I do wonder if I’ll be around for it.
My oldest daughter is 21, but she’s still “one of the kids”.
I know she’s an adult now and will be finishing college next year, and out loving her own life very soon, but she’s still my child. Even though you can go do anything an adult can do, you are still the same “child” that you’re family has known since you were born. It’s going to take time for them to get used to that.
Legally, turning 18 instantly makes you an adult, but it’s going to take a lot longer than that for other people to realize it.
Also, early twenty something’s ARE still kids. Very few people that age have actually “grown up”.
I can finally finish my limerick!
Meh. Someone might learn some of my naughty preferences, but I don’t think anything would ruin me.