Nearly half means not half, so that’s better than 50/50 odds to not be living paycheck to paycheck. That’s not really that lucky, statistically speaking
How does that not still make the statement in the meme true? Because I think it still does. If you’re not living paycheck-to-paycheck it doesn’t mean you are able to amass $5000 in savings, it means you’re not at risk of going into debt (or at least more debt than you’re probably in thanks to things like student loans).
Lucky you?
there’s always gotta be at least one “let’s all pay attention to how this isn’t a problem for ME” chud in the comments
Yeah! Sucks for the Americans, though.
Nearly half means not half, so that’s better than 50/50 odds to not be living paycheck to paycheck. That’s not really that lucky, statistically speaking
And there’s a big difference between not living paycheck to paycheck, and being able to save $1k/mo
How does that not still make the statement in the meme true? Because I think it still does. If you’re not living paycheck-to-paycheck it doesn’t mean you are able to amass $5000 in savings, it means you’re not at risk of going into debt (or at least more debt than you’re probably in thanks to things like student loans).