Identical text perceived as less credible when presented as a Wikipedia article than as simulated ChatGPT or Alexa output. The researchers note that these results might be influenced by the fact that it is easier to discern factual errors on a static text page like a Wikipedia than when listening to the spoken audio of Alexa or watching the streaming chat-like presentation of ChatGPT.
However, exploratory analyses yielded an interesting discrepancy between perceived information credibility when being exposed to actual information and global trustworthiness ratings regarding the three information search applications. Here, online encyclopedias were rated as most trustworthy, while no significant differences were observed between voice-based and dynamic text-based agents.
Contrary to our predictions, people felt higher enjoyment [measured using questions like “I found reading the information / listening to the information entertaining”] when information was presented as static or dynamic text compared to the voice-based agent, while the two text-based conditions did not significantly differ. In Experiment 2, we expected to replicate this pattern of results but found that people also felt higher enjoyment with the dynamic text-based agent than the static text.
Edit: Added “for credibility” to title
I wonder if Wikipedia could mitigate this to some degree by updating their UX. I don’t particularly want them to, and I certainly don’t want a “New Coke” Wikipedia. But the design is rather plain and “looks old” to a modern user.
And people are suckers for a friendly-looking starter like “Certainly!” is what your looking for, its basically a wrapper with a modern UI
If you visit the site straight from the web there may be ads but if you use the extension there shouldn’t be
They are also a leading donor to wikipedia so its not like they’re just stealing content for profit. You may indirectly do more to get money in wikipedia their hands then you do by visiting the main site.
Hell no, we don’t need corporate enshittification for an open knowledge platform
Yeah i have stopped using it last week actually.
If you have the extension you have no ads but whenever i wanted to send a link to someone those are poisoned. Using the direct link to wikipedia also had the url encoded for using older settings.
No idea about the israel connection. If i hadent left for those other reasons i would have now
While I also hate Wikiwand, its corporatism, and its “features”, I’m confused about the last part. They’re bad because they were founded by Israelis?
from Wikiwand’s description:
Welcome to Wikiwand, an AI-driven wiki aggregator created to enhance user experience on Wikipedia by streamlining knowledge consumption.
We integrate AI alongside, not as a replacement for, the full-contextual articles from Wikipedia, Wikiquote, and Wiktionary.
By leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, Wikiwand helps users quickly grasp key points and related topics without the need to sift through lengthy articles.
oh how the mighty have fallen.
I don’t use Wikiwand because I don’t like the interface, but IMO that’s just how they attract funding.
It’s modern alright, complete with an “AI tools sidebar” and a “please login” popup that takes up half the screen.
There’s no login popup and you can easily hide the sidebar, just like Wikipedia’s skin.