The world resets. Money and stocks go back to what they were at the beginning. Any finances transferred over during the day would just reset back to their respective accounts the day after
Or money quickly loses all value. What do I care if you give me a million dollars? It’ll be gone tomorrow, and until then everyone else will view it as being just as worthless as I do.
Possessions you have control over at the beginning of the day would matter (so yes, being rich is still an advantage), but I imagine any intangible funds would be worthless.
The world resets. Money and stocks go back to what they were at the beginning. Any finances transferred over during the day would just reset back to their respective accounts the day after
Yeah so at that point people would just keep track of money in there heads or worse every one that was poor will always be poor
Or money quickly loses all value. What do I care if you give me a million dollars? It’ll be gone tomorrow, and until then everyone else will view it as being just as worthless as I do.
Possessions you have control over at the beginning of the day would matter (so yes, being rich is still an advantage), but I imagine any intangible funds would be worthless.
would money really matter in such a world? Anything you buy or sell with it will just be gone / reset the next day.