Large emotion
I’ve never seen my creative side explained so eloquently lol
Absolutely called out. So many stories either on random document/text files or on Wattpad that are so incomplete it’s not even funny.
Short stories and flash fiction avoid this problem by having genre conventions that allow for focusing only on a specific scene. Ploughshares in its recent Winter edition has a fiction piece that’s three paragraphs long, which I thought was an appropriate length for the content.
I think it’s somewhat common for writers to start with writing shorter pieces. GRRM comes to mind.
“In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit” - J. R. R. Tolkien
That is just how all good things start; with a small idea that grows. Same with anything creative.
Same for Game of Thrones by G.R.R. Martin… He’s stated that the whole story started from a vision of the “king’s party comes across a dead direwolf surrounded by her whimpering pups and the stag that pierced her chest” scene.
He referred to the whole legundarium as growing from a single small idea. I don’t know if we know what it was, but it started that way.
“Excerpts from a book I’ll never write”
Oh look it’s me and my sexual fantasies
Guilty. Though it usually stays in my head so I can go back and re”wtite” it over and over until I accidentally make huge plotholes but I like the scenes that cause plotholes so time to redo THOSE while trying to not make the scene suck. Rinse and repeat.
Me every time I try to write a song
Isn’t this kinda what you want?
I am an uncontrollable perfectionist in this scenario. I have yet to start to write down any of the narratives that have lived in my head for years because i feel the tiniest detail or Nuance needs a research paper of its own for it to make sense.
Oh shit, my ranger. And my rogue. And my paladin. And my artificer. And my etc.
I relate to this meme so much