A broken heart? 💔❤️🔥
A broken heart? 💔❤️🔥
Nazism was the ideology of the Nazi party in 1930s Germany, and Fascism was the ideology of Italy under Mussolini. The main difference was that Nazism had more of an emphasis on racial purity and racism, whereas fascism was more focused on totalitarian, authoritarian control.
In the context of insulting a modern day extreme right wing person though, they’re pretty much synonymous.
Both can be true. And things such as denying healthcare can be wrong, unethical, reprehensible, etc without being violence. There are other forms of bad things.
I relate to this meme so much
As a neutral observer, it doesn’t seem to me that you’ve really tried.
That doesn’t sound like a utopia, it sounds like a The Ones Who Walk Away From Omelas situation.
Very much against conscription. If the country is worth dying for, people will volunteer. Otherwise, it is cruel and unfair to force people to suffer for a country they didn’t choose to be born in.
To clarify for the commenters who seem to think anti conscription = pro Russia, no, Russia is an authoritarian dictatorship, and conscription is unethical in all countries. Democratic countries should model the moral behaviour.
The one that kept me alive was that I couldn’t make the world better for others, even in a small near-insignificant way, if I were dead. And it would be a bit pointless to die if everyone else is still going to live a life of suffering, especially as I can’t be sure reincarnation isn’t true.
Ah, I thought it was a really clever statement about how they don’t give you anything. But images failing to load are cool too
No, I mean a literal nother Brian. Brian Tyler. But yes, that too, in a more metaphorical sense.
Yeah, two of them are white women rather than white men! /s
Another Brian?
Voyager app in Android, vger.app on my laptop
Wtf is this? Ukraine didn’t invade Russia, it was quite clearly the other way around.
Sounds like a combination of homophobia/gay erasure and misogyny (I know what women want, not them) to me
I want my government to provide enough for everyone, not that I would have to work hard and be lucky just so a few people in my family could have better lives.
It is woke. It’s also the right thing to acknowledge and work to fix these issues.
If I was a ghost I would try help them as much as I can, not prank them. Idk what influence I’d have, maybe I can appear in influential people’s dreams and influence them to do better.
What’s boring about the magic system in Harry Potter? Can you give specific examples?