In terms mamalian biomass, humans make up 36%, our livestock makes up 60% and every other wild mammal makes up just 4% of the mamalian biomass, witch is absolutelly wild In terms of all animals, we make up 2.5% of biomass, and in terms of all living things we make up 0.01% biomass
That’s a strange conclusion you got to. 96% of all mammal life on Earth is either humans or animals specifically bred to be our food. One species; 96% market share. Over 5000 other species combined only are 4%. Because we killed them all via predation or taking their habitat.
36% of all mammals! That’s a lot actually. I’m less surprised about livestock being 60%, sounds plausible, but humans being half of the livestock mass that is very surprising.
That’s insane. Those poor mammal populations. I would have been surprised at 3% but 36 is just horrifying. Yet another reason human overpopulation is the worst disaster to hit this planet.
We also are the only thing on the planet that produces plastic.
People always forget about the insects
Don’t worry; we’re evening it out!
People always forget about the insects…