APD doesn’t have similarities with ADHD. ADHD can cause APD but APD like many other common symptoms is not in the official catalog of symptoms for ADHD. But it makes sense when you think of ADHD as “not being able to prioritize input” so all you hear is processed simultaneously.
I’m not saying the doctors are wrong. But they don’t know why she has it and I’m just saying that there may be a link that they’re not seeing because of years of wrong diagnosis criteria for ADHD and Autism. Hell until 2013 they told that it is impossible to have both and today we know that the overlap is somewhere between 30 and 50%.
Let’s take a blog and slap a whole e-commerce system on it through a plugin and let it auto translate with another one, what could go wrong. wait why is everything so slow, oh i need additional plugins for caching and one more for functionality XYZ why is everything broken now?!?
Edit: Sorry, my app had a hiccup and posted my comment several times