Qewl.I hate you
Well done, bitch.
U bastard. I though us eternity users where better than that.
I’m one of the 12 people on the planet who crop out the extra stuff like the top bar. I know I’m asking a lot for people to do the same.
There are dozens of us, DOZENS!
To compensate I will crop out everything that isn’t extra, and will leave all the UI in
That’s the ticket.
HL2 soundtrack? HELL Yeah
Whoa, never met a fellow cropper.
It aint much but it’s honest and neat work.
Also more private.
And saves data but it seems even fewer people care about that.
Leaving that in could leak your position within a couple dozen countries
Joke’s on you, I’m into that shit.
(Seriously, listen to this one.)
We got battery percentage Rickrolled Lmao 🤣
Is that a new speedrunning category? How often can you beat the game before the battery runs out?
xcq this link stays blue!
Damn, I’m also at 66%
You bastard. Is nothing sacred?
I was going to put write “you failed the game” but I though this would be funnier
You failed the game by reading this
Fuck you and have a nice day.
Fellow eternity user spotted! It’s never gonna let you down
Never gonna give you up
That’s a power move