Pneumatic tubes were used to move mail in New York City, London, Germany, and Washington, D.C., and even transport food, cats, and yes, people.
I’ll take bad ideas for 1000.
Pneumatic tubes were used to move mail in New York City, London, Germany, and Washington, D.C., and even transport food, cats, and yes, people.
I’ll take bad ideas for 1000.
I’m pretty sure they put asbestos in basically anything back in the day.
Are you referring to the civilian deaths in Nimruz?
I read through what I think is the email. It kind of sounds like some guilt and disillusionment mixed with paranoia over the Jersey drones and China.
I could see it as some sort of plea to Musk and Trump, but it’s not easy logic to follow. Unless it’s m just reading it wrong or something.
People always talk about getting served ads after they talk about something. I think it’s the other way around. The ads put the thought into your brain and then you start talking about it and notice after you’ve already been thinking about it for a while.
I wonder if years of fleeing the front page to niche subs conditioned us all to try and make niche subs here when we should just be shooting the breeze right here on front street.
It feels so alien to actually put a run on sentence idea out and not parrot a meme.
That said I made some shit posts on one of the nichest of niche communities.
Trump II: the diarrhea times