Sure there are. Like in some countries “honor killings” are legal, but that’s called murder in the US
Sure there are. Like in some countries “honor killings” are legal, but that’s called murder in the US
But i think there are some crimes that will be prosecuted by your home country anyway, regardless of where the ship is registered. Like if 2 US citizens got on a ship registered to a country where murder is legal, and one killed the other, that person would still be prosecuted for murder when they returned to US soil or any country that has an extradition treaty with the US
Exactly, it entirely depends on context. In a big city they all have to be fenced, but in a rural area where the playground is in a giant open field then it’s fine to be unfenced
Because more solar means that the increase in CO2 was much less than it would’ve otherwise been without solar. An ocean liner doesn’t turn on a dime. First emissions increase less than they would’ve, then they increase at rates lower than years past, then they stop increasing, and then finally they can begin decreasing
So much good stuff has happened (in addition to all the bad stuff that also happened). The US elected its first black president. The ACA although far from perfect is a massive massive improvement over the situation that existed before it. There have been lots of improvements in medicine like rna vaccines, which have been in development for decades, and thankfully all that hard work came to fruition right when the world needed it and it saved millions of lives worldwide.
And tons more good stuff happened. We’re talking about 25ish years, so of course tons of good stuff happened in addition to everything else
That video of the rich prick at a coffee shop who throws something at the worker and then gets put in a headlock and held on the ground and struggles weakly
I’m not gonna downvote you because unpopular opinions is what this thread is about, but it’s just plain factually incorrect to say it’s devoid of humor. You may not personally find it funny, but there are a zillion jokes per second in this movie, and many people find it hilarious. It isn’t devoid of humor, it’s devoid of your type of humor
I think they’re looking for something portable so they want the device to be as small as possible