my sister dated a cop from a cop family a couple years ago. she said even long after weed had long been legalized in our state he still had a lot of harmful assumptions he’d make about someone if they smoked weed, along the lines of them just stright up being bad and immoral people, comparing them to more serious and/or violent criminals and vaugly dehumanizing them along with everyone else he saw as a law-breaker.
ultimately as far as I heard he didnt let these judgments significantly impact his work though, never heard a word of him doing anything more corrupt than driving a bit wrecklessly when bored on patrol. I mean I’m sure they did have an impact, but I mean to say he didnt do anything cartoonishly evil about it as long as he and my sister stayed dating.
is it a cop out to say assist trophies? i just love seeing all the different reps from different games