Independent thinker valuing discussions grounded in reason, not emotions.

I say unpopular things but never something I know to be untrue. Always open to hear good-faith counter arguments. My goal is to engage in dialogue that seeks truth rather than scoring points.

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 14th, 2024


  • Anxiety / stress. Usually it relates to finances either directly or indirectly. I have enough savings to survive few years with zero income but having recently transitioned from employee to being self-employed, there’s quite a bit uncertainty about future. I’m not losing any significant amounts of money currently but I’m barely able to save anything either which makes me quite uncomfortable as someone who for the past 10 years has lived well below their means.

  • Either of two things:

    Nothing. However, I don’t think most people quite grasp the meaning of that. Kind of how they think that before the big bang there was just empty space. No, empty space is not nothing. There’s no empty space, there’s no time, there’s nothing. By definition it cannot be experienced. Experience simply ends. It’s as if nothing ever happened. The universe could just as well have never existed.

    The more optimistic theory is that consciousness is in a way immortal. You can only experience being, not not-being. It’s kind of how when you go under general anesthesia and then wake up it’s quite unlike sleeping. When you’ve slept you have the sense of time having passed in between. With general anesthesia this is not the case. One moment you feel sleepy and then you wake up in another room. From your subjective experience you never lost consciousness to begin with. Whose to say that something similar doesn’t happen with death. Instead of experience ending it just moves elsewhere. It’s a pretty difficult concept to explain but it’s somewhat similar to the idea of quantum immortality.

  • sticking your head in the sand and hoping it doesn’t effect you until it’s over is probably not the best way to handle it.

    Consuming anger inducing political articles all day every day is probably not the best way to handle it either. For most people, this likely has far greater effect on their mental wellbeing than what these guys are doing policywise. On Reddit, there atleast was a slim chance that you could make an convincing enough argument that someone would drop their support for them but good luck finding such person on Lemmy. We’re preaching to the choir here.