Very cool, glad to hear it worked out so well!
Very cool, glad to hear it worked out so well!
Local or did you need to travel? Even though you were “only” performing for say ~30 minutes/day were you able to do any other work those days?
This does seem like a good hourly rate, but if you had to travel there and back, and couldn’t do other things for $$ in your free time, the deal doesn’t become as good sounding.
They’re under an intermittent load, but it’s probably not very high. Interestingly, the parts don’t seem very brittle. I suspect the exact materials in PLA+ probably vary wildly between blends/companies, so their material properties likely have some variation.
Agree on ASA. I have some PLA+ prints that have been outdoors 24/7/365 for going on 5 years now and they’re holding up really well, so that’s another good option.
I’ve been printing ASA for about a year and a half and haven’t dried a spool yet. I guess it all hinges on a mix of relative humidity in your area and how much you care about a flawless finish.
Drinking age is set by each state but that hasn’t stopped the feds from tring to influence things.