I can understand your hesitancy, but the position of “Threat to Global Peace and the World Order” has already been taken. We do have an opening for “Bastion of the Free World” and we encourage you to apply. All things considered, you would be a great fit for the role.
Alternative you could go by boat, but I’d advice is to travel by land because I expect Poland will join you. (or it’s just I’m hoping they will)
It might work this time!
Its funny but yes we want a functioning Democracy to defend other democracies.
Exactly! It’s a pretty radical concept these days, I know.
Wars are fought by people. Everyone who doesn’t to end blown up somewhere in a trench in an inter imperialist struggle should be antiwar. Stop fucking beating the drums of war, we need to prevent WW3 from happening, and it’s not too late to do so.
Stop cheering for military expenditure, stop electing fascist politicians in Europe, stop buying into war propaganda. We can avoid this war. Do not condemn yourself or your loved ones to passing through the meat grinder, your government doesn’t give a fuck about human rights or abour your life.
Being anti war when Russia is around is essentially the same thing as being pro Russia, because they’re willing and able to use violent force to get what they want, and if you’re not willing to defend yourself, you will be subjugated.
“Diplomacy doesn’t exist” isn’t the strong argument you think it is. In Russia, government propaganda makes the same claims about the US and Europe, you just happen to live in the US or Europe and you believe your state propaganda. How about we, you know, not fucking kill each other, and use that money to save lives in healthcare for example.
Remind me again, which country is currently actively invading and occupying multiple neighbouring countries?
Like, I realise every major power has been a colonising force at some point in their life, but only one is currently doing it.
France literally just pulled out troops from Burkina Faso a few weeks ago (still French troops stationed in many African countries), and keeps overseas territories annexed without referendum.
Again, this isn’t a question of whether Russia is bad or not. It’s a question of whether you want to prevent being thrown into the meat grinder / nuclear apocalypse. I’d rather, you know, avoid that
As I said before, Russia doesn’t truly do diplomacy, if they do it’s just to keep you distracted. The only language they truly respect is that of force, and they’ve shown that over hundreds of years.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.
Oh you spoke in Latin, hence you must be right!
I want peace, which is why I will push for negotiations and peace agreements between Russia and Europe (and probably the US seeing their tendencies)
Peace is a cooperative effort. Warfare can be conducted unilaterally. Unless you can stop him on his terms, what you want is completely irrelevant to the negotiations.
The meaning behind that Latin aphorism predates civilization. It is the reason so many herbivorous animals evolved horns or antlers.
Your entire argument is “diplomacy doesn’t exist”. It’s not particularly solid
You don’t get to talk to Putin’s ambassador until you have a plan to deal with his general.
That’s extremely untrue, there’s plenty of evidence of negotiations in 2022 between Russia and Ukraine getting pretty far until Boris Johnson got involved. Both countries have been willing to negotiate, but the narrative pushed in the west has been that of total war: “the war will end with the defeat of Russia or it won’t end”. Unsurprisingly to anyone with a grasp of geopolitics, the war will end with negotiations, as so-called “tankies” have been urging to do for the past 3 years of meat grinder.
I do not want to go to ww3, you don’t either. Funding Rheinmetall isn’t the way to avoid it
And what are you going to push for when Russia breaks those agreements?
Presupposing that the “evil country” will break agreements isn’t good praxis in diplomacy. There would never be deescalation and diplomacy otherwise.
Russia is currently breaking the agreements made after they annexed Crimea.
What you’re saying is true. Also, EU/US violated the agreements not to push NATO further east, and keeps forcing foreign governments in the Russian sphere of influence, listen to Victoria Nuland’s leaked call before the Maidan in which she explicitly argued which president they should install in Ukraine.
I hate the modern Russian government as much as you do, I have loved ones suffering directly the consequences of Putin’s fascist ideology. That said: I don’t believe Europe is much better than that as proved by the support of the genocide in Gaza and the thousands upon thousands of refugee deaths in the Mediterranean (mostly coming from wartorn countries that EU/US destabilised if not outright invaded). I simply do not want to die in the frontline of an avoidable war, and neither do you
I’ll also leave this paragraph here for no particular reason
“In 1994, Ukraine agreed to transfer these [nukes] to Russia for dismantlement and became a party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, in exchange for economic compensation and assurances from Russia, the United States and United Kingdom to respect the Ukrainian independence and sovereignty in the existing borders.”
Judging by his statement, @AES_Enjoyer@reddthat.com would want more “peace” negotiations.
Yes, I would want more honest peace negotiations. What’s wrong with peace negotiations?
After the aggressor has invaded your country twice?
I’m not Ukrainian, my country hasn’t been invaded. And yes, Ukraine war will end through negotiations, believe it or not. Mark my words.
You cannot make peace with someone that wants to annex you, control you or genocide you. Do you say the same to beaten wives so they don’t divorce their husband?
Come on now. Let’s not pretend there aren’t limits to negotiation with a violent person that refuses to stop being violent. No matter how many times you tell them, “No no, bad, baaaad! Killing baad! Genocide baaad!” To reform them, if they keep doing it: They have no respect for you and respect, last I checked, is a mutual two way street.
In such cases, the bully (murderer in this case) needs to be checked in the guts hard enough to submit, because that bully doesn’t want to change and since we can’t imprison the damn psychopath and he refuses to stop, teaching him a lesson will have to happen sooner or later.
EU is as violent and genocidal as Russia, that’s my entire point. Europe will genocide Palestinians, invade Iraqis, leave migrants to die in the Mediterranean, bomb Libya and Yugoslavia, and maintain troops in its colonies in Africa. By that logic, Russia can’t negotiate with the EU.
Thing is: the alternative to diplomacy is WORLD WAR THREE. I do not want to die in the frontlines or in nuclear apocalypse. So you should be doing all you fucking can to prevent these things.
Military expenditure is how you avoid war. You think Russia will only attack if Europe is strong? Bizarre… Also, I don’t think it’s the fascists who want expenditure, or at least not the far right parties, they are pro russia.
Military expenditure is how you avoid war
Surely giving more money to the lobbyists of Rheinmetall will make Europe much less likely to go to war!!
You think Russia will only attack if Europe is strong?
I think Russia wouldn’t attack the EU if we collectively agreed to maintain good relationships with Russia, as was the case for the past 30 years until EU+US pushed NATO boundaries to Russia and started executing Maidans in the former Russian sphere of influence. That’s not to absolve the Russian government, they’re fascist imperialist pieces of shit, but my point is that so is Europe (e.g. funding genocide in Gaza), and I don’t want another inter-imperialist war like WW1
Also, I don’t think it’s the fascists who want expenditure
But you’re willing to increase it even at risk of them getting to the government
Oh wow you actually believe what you are saying, this is sad. EU was exceedingly friendly with Russia for the last 30 years, until the war happened. And no, this was not because NATO was pushing boundaries, this is nonsense. Crazy that you actually believe this.
“My side of government propaganda is right, the other side is wrong”. Get a grasp at geopolitics
I think Russia wouldn’t attack the EU if we collectively agreed to maintain good relationships with Russia
That’s pretty much France and especially Germany’s playbook for Russian relations for the past few decades though. It seemed to work well until it suddenly didn’t, so we’re gonna have to try the other way
Russia didn’t attack the EU though?
Sure, it only attacked its neighbor for committing the cardinal sin of trying to get into the EU and being afraid of Russia’s expansionism.
The EU funded genocide in Palestine for committing the cardinal sin of existing though, what’s your point? Russia surely sucks, so does Europe, I don’t wanna fucking die in the front lines and neither do you, so stop warmongering
It reminds me of an old Polish joke:
A Pole finds a magic lamp, strokes it, and a genie comes out.
“I will grant you three wishes. They can be anything your heart desire.”
"I wish for the Mongols to invade Poland!’
“Ok? It is done”
The Mongol hordes sweep through Poland, ransack the country, then go back the way they came.
“I am ready for my second wish. I want the Mongols to invade Poland again!”
“Are you sure? I can give you anything your heart wishes.”
“Yes. I am sure”
The Mongols come again, do some more pillaging, and return home.
“And now for my third wish. I want the Mongol hordes to invade Poland a third time.”
“Are you really sure?”
“Okay. Before I grant you your wish, would you mind explaining me why you would want that not once but thrice?”
“It’s very simple: Whenever the Mongols come to Poland they have to cross Russia twice!”
This is so funny. I just told my wife, who’s Ukrainian, this joke and she burst out laughing.
Also, as Canadians. We wish there were mongol hordes we could get to invade us, through the US.Mongols. Mongols would need to cross both Russia and US.
The US really is just this hateful polish guy. A solid 35% of americans would happily raze our own country than let one poor person have a subsidized lunch.
Haha russophobia funi
There is russian similar joke abour genie that grants wishes, but your neighbour gets twice of that. One of dude’s wishes was to poke his eye.
Only a dead russian is a good russian
As long as russia keeps invading countries it has no business being in, it is extremely funny.
You could apply that to most EU countries though? Colonialism in Africa, invasion of Iraq, support of the US in Afghanistan, bombing of Libya and Yugoslavia, funding the genocide in Gaza… What makes the EU better? I just happen to live in Europe and I want to push MY government towards peace negotiations because it’s the one I can affect
How many of these are active missions? The Special Military Operation was only supposed to take 3 days, but it’s still going on.
Or do you simply have a case of «А у вас негров линчуют»? No one’s excusing their own country’s atrocities simply by attacking Russia’s ongoing atrocity.
I’m not excusing anything about Russia, their government is fascist. My point is I don’t want war, and neither do you, and diplomacy exists. As for which of these exists, what’s your point? Gaza genocide is very recent
yankees get very mad when you make a similar point about drone striking east asia
It’s more of a Polish grudge funny though.
Poland has a bit of a history with Russia too.
Surely Poland has been in an unlucky position between the empires of western Europe and the former Russian Empire, then again it has the same historical problems with Germany and I don’t see Polish people making racist jokes against the country that committed genocide in their territory.
I wasn’t aware Russian was a race.
And if you knew anything about history you’d understand why Poland feels particularly strongly towards Russia.
Germany made amends and stopped the warmongering. Russia has demonstrated that they will not.
It isn’t that complicated.
Islam isn’t a race and islamophobia exists and it’s a racist trope.
Germany made amends and stopped the warmongering. Russia has demonstrated that they will not.
Russia can make the same claims about Europe pushing NATO east. This isn’t about being on Russia’s side or EU’s side. This is about PREVENTING WORLD WAR IN EUROPE.
Maybe it’s the difference in Germany’s behavior and allyship towards Poland since the transgressions. Maybe Russia has not acted in a reconciliatory way towards Poland, maybe perhaps they’ve still behaved as an adversary, while Germany has taken accountability and joined a strategic alliance against the same Russian aggression that unapologetically continues to threaten Poland’s sovereignty
I really don’t see what’s racist about Russia in that joke. If someone’s the butt of that joke it’s the Polish who’s willing to hurt themselve just to get back at Russia.
And there are loads of Polish jokes about Germans.
“An unlucky position” that’s putting it mildly.
It’s not racist. People forget “Russian” is a nationality, not a race. Russia isn’t just populated by Slavs (much to the chagrin of Putin, I assume).
Imho discriminating against a nationality is still racism. e.g. WW2 anti-japanese racism in the US.
Russia has a very colonial attitude toward its non slavic citizens.
Learn the difference between xenophobia and racism, please. The difference matters for proper discussions of different topics that pertain to discrimination in general and you are clearly confusing both of them in your weak attempt at accusing someone of behaviour they never displayed while they explained a joke that is rooted in historical context.
More to the point, being against Russian dictatorship policies and historical atrocities is neither xenophobia nor is it racism.
Everyone with a functioning frontal lobe knowns the Russian people are mostly helpless under a dictatorship that practices putting opposition (civil or political) in gulags, but one cannot just “lay down and take it” if the Russians come for them, just because you pity their situation. Criticizing dictatorships is of utmost importance, feelings be damned.
I know its a joke but just to note: I’d love to see Germany “march through Poland” given the poor state of Germany’s armed forces. As it is rn, Poland alone could most likely reach Russia’s heart in a couple of weeks of conventional warfare and debilitate Russian critical infrastructure long before that. Barring nukes of course, which is basically all the Kremlin would have to hang on to in a full out direct confrontation given just how incompetent their armed forces have proven to be.
That just means we need to give Poland nukes
And now trump is using Putin’s hiring/promotions practices - yay!
Wait, did people start doing parkour outside windows without previous training again?
I’ll have you know that we are perfectly capable to march through allied territory… as long as they have well developed infrastructure
Amazing trains you got in Germany :p
The trains are great, everything else around them not so much
…which complicates marching through Germany
It kind of reminds me of Terminator 2; where its essentially the exact same story is T1 except this time the previous bad guy is the good guy.
Deutschland über alles!
Germany starts world war 3
The rest of the world: “how do we keep falling for this?”
“Ww3 this time we’re the good guys!” Smaller print “We’ve double checked and had it put in writing.”
The only requirement to be a good guy is to win.
Everyone loves a good heel-face turn though
First John Cena then Germany
John Cena would be the US in this example. Sudden unexpected face-heel turn
Let’s make sure to start the campaign in autumn so we are deep inside Russia during the coldest parts of winter. Let’s also make sure to only take light summer clothing.
As we know, you should always fight a land war in Asia.
At least were not going up against the Sicilians
!anybody want a peanut?!<
You keep using that word…I do not think it means what you think it means.
Ya know, what with global warming this might actually work.
That sort of idea seems great when everyone is taking Pervitin all the time.
Pervitin, the brand name that Meth was originally sold under.
That’s so yesterday. Now we use modafinil!
Legal meth? Sign me up!
The Nazi army used a lot of drugs: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29429893-blitzed
Oh no the innocent Germans are being forced to become Nazis by other western countries. It’s definitely not because the entire west worked with Nazis after WW2 to “fight communism”.
The Nazis never left Germany. They just expanded beyond it.
They worked with them DURING WW2 from the moment it was clear the germs would lose.
Yep. A lot of Nazi leaders began making their connections with the west as it became obvious that the USSR was winning in the Eastern front as well as Operation Paperclip, etc.
Everyone knows about Operation Paperclip.
Which for some can be whitwashed as useful.
But it was much worse and blatant.
Saving the worst warcriminals and 1000’s of SS division ukranianGalizien.
Later project aerodynamic.
https://ebeggin.substack.com/p/ratlines-nato-and-the-fourth-reichAnd it all shows it was the UK/US that actually wanted the contacts.
Absolutely. Thanks for the receipts.
I mean Canada literally honored a WW2 vet for a Ukrainian that “fought Russia” in WW2. Like, no thought “who was fighting the USSR in Ukraine in WW2?”
And they keep going with this BS.
Canada really is infested with them.
I’m sure if it came to it, Canada would send some good folks along as well.
I hope for Canada’s sake, and for the sake of NATO and the EU, that Canada puts on some big boy pants and boosts its military. I have seen a lot of talk such as yours, but the reality is that Canada’s military is a joke. Canada is so far behind in it’s military spending obligation for NATO that they don’t even have a timeline for catching up. Canada’s airforce is 1/3rd the size of France’s and France is the 10th largest Airforce in the world. The Canadian Army only has 22,000 active troops while the entire Canadian Armed Forces is only around 68,000 strong.
Canada has had troops on the ground for a lot of global military events, but they’ve almost never fielded a significant number. In the Gulf War they had ~4,500 troops, the Coalition had >950,000 troops and 700,000 of them were from the US. In the War in Afghanistan Canada had ~40,000 troops over 13 years (Operation Enduring Freedom) and at any one point had no more than 2,500 troops deployed. Meanwhile the US had 1.9 million deployed in the same period and at it’s peak had over 100,000 troops deployed at once.
Oh but we gotta talk about WW1 and WW2 because people always take it there. In WW1 Canada deployed 620,000 troops while the US deployed 4.7 million. In WW2 the Allied Powers had a combined total over over 80 million troops, the US had around 16.5 million while Canada had 1.1 million.
As an American who likes Canada and doesn’t agree with the current US political direction, I absolutely hope Canada puts it’s money where it’s mouth is. When Russia invaded Crimea in 2014 NATO members were supposed to increase their spending to prepare to stand up to Russia and as of 2021 only 5 of the 31 states had met that goal. As of 2024 only 8 states still had not met the goal, but Canada had the special distinction of being the only member state with no timeline on when they would meet that goal.
In a Politico article from last year
“The Canadian public doesn’t really see the need,” said Philippe Lagassé, Barton chair at Canada’s Carleton University. “If forced to choose between defense spending, social programs or reducing taxes, defense would always come last. So there’s no political gain to meeting the pledge.”
With the US threatening to leave NATO the EU has stepped up with a rearmament plan as recently as this week, let’s hope Canada does the same.
Hey, they might actually manage the cold! This is brilliant!
We might get a bit busy but I’m sure we can spare one or two war crimes their way.
I am ok if Europe wants to send troops to Canada to defend against the real enemy—the United States.
USA = U Stand Alone.
As an American, I stand for this. You’ll never see me fight any country besides the enemy within the US.
As an American I fully support this. We don’t want to invade Canada either. Just the Orange Idiot and his bootlickers.
I’ll come to defend the indiginous people from Canadians stealing and polluting their land.
*Occupied States
If it comes to it, there won’t be a conventional battle. We will take them out from within.
In the wise words of the Arrogant Worms, “We’ll take a boat to Washingtooooooon! And burn the White House twice!”
I was going to joke “I’ll send y’all intel,” but now I’m seriously considering if my country will use that statement against me some day.
I am joking NSA/DOGE, of course.
I don’t want intel, AMD is better imo.
Too late the van is already on its way
Ukrainians: “the Germans are here to liberate us from the Russian yoke. And they actually mean it this time!”
Same nazis as they were