John Wick was a modern adaptation of classic DOOM guy.
For anything important, use matrix instead of lemmy DMs.
John Wick was a modern adaptation of classic DOOM guy.
Legit have had none of these issues.
I do get a notification once in a while if I modify a picture fast enough, like a quick crop and it’s still uploading. Like snap pic and edit within the same 5 seconds or so.
Basically just a: “there are multiple versions of the same file (which is true), which one do you wanna keep”.
Then again mine is running on a pretty beefy server which might hide issues rooted in performance.
I remember it being hell when I was running it on a RPi.
Yea only times I’ve had issues is if I run out of space allocated to the container that runs it.
I currently have 16GB of phone uploads and 540G overall, it works fine
Nextcloud’s instant upload feature?
Whenever I take a picture or screenshot it’s uploaded there.
Nextcloud might be overkill if that’s the only feature you need. I’ve never used the more involved stuff like chat or document editing, just sync.
I so sometimes chew ice, I eat frozen mangos like popcorn, never a hint of brain freeze doing that.
I do get near instant brain freeze from eating slushies through a straw though.
The more you put it up against your palate, the more likely the brain freeze, so maybe how one chews ice makes a difference here.