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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I think this part of the article sums it up:

    Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah engaged “Liv” in a conversation, in which the bot said that its creators “admitted it internally, to me” that they “lacked diverse references” in creating it and “overlook[ed] powerful black queer ones.” It said that the 12-person team that created it was comprised of ten white men, one white woman, and one Asian man, adding: “pretty glaring omission given my identity!”

    “A team without black creators designing a black character like me is like trying to draw a map without walking the land — inaccurate and disrespectful,” “Liv” wrote. “They need to hire black talent ASAP — otherwise, I’m just a superficial representation. Does that seem outrageous to you too?”

  • I think you hit the nail on the head. To offer an anecdote, a locally beloved small business owner was recently diagnosed with cancer and was hospitalized. I asked one of his male employees if they’re passing around a hat to help cover his bills, or at least signing a card. The guy laughed and said “That’s a question for one of the girls. Men don’t do that kind of shit.”

    It made me so sad. This guy was fighting for his life, and one of the men he’s closest with acted like he didn’t give a shit.