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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 6th, 2023


  • First, China censorship. Shit like cannot type “free Taiwan” in chat. Second, every two lost matches in quickplay (PvP) you have a chance of the game putting you against a bot team, giving you a “free win”. In reality it is a shitty slog that you need to basically wait through. You cannot leave the match or you will get a leaver’s penalty. Of course nowhere is it stated that the enemy team are bots. They have cookie cutter names, when you check profiles after the match it says they all are “restricted”. When you spectate them, you can see how unnatural / bottish their aiming and movement is. You get two bots put on your team and 6 bots against you. In a supposedly PvP gamemode with no opt-out.

  • That’s the joke that the sniper rifle was made by three dudes in a garage. The story goes they gave their rifle to the military for testing, they were sure they wouldn’t win the contract with it. They just wanted to see what’s there to improve. But then the army accepted their rifle and they shat their pants. Some logistics dude wanted to check out their workshop, so they pooled in money, rented out a large workshop. They grabbed all the rifle parts, all the rifles they had, disassembled some, just threw it around the shop onto tables etc so it looks like the workshop is being used by a lot of people. The day came and the logistics guy went to see “their” workshop. They invited him at lunch time, so he goes in and asks “where is everyone?” and they go “oh they went out to lunch to a nearby restaurant, they’re celebrating the contract”. Guy is like “oookaaay” but keeps going around, looking at the various rifles broken down on the tables etc.

    And then he goes “everything checks up boys, we just didn’t know who you were and we wanted to be sure you aren’t like three dudes in a shed”