Don’t even need to not look like a bum, I’ve gone on a few test drives looking like a bum.
Don’t even need to not look like a bum, I’ve gone on a few test drives looking like a bum.
it’s tied in with how US citizens feel about being “different.”
I want to be different, just like everybody else I want to be like. I want to be just like all of the different people.
-John S Hall, 1992
It’s Poe’s law- sometimes it’s a joke, sometimes they’re serious, and it’s nearly impossible to determine which at any given time.
Minor nitpick, it’s not friction, its compression. The air can’t move out of your way fast enough, so you push it ahead of you, and as more air gets smooshed together, it gets hotter.
John Gomez, John Smallberries, John Bigboote, John Yaya… November 1st 1939.
Lolololol tell that to literally every major bank, I’m sure they’ll get right on it just for you.
I’ve been surprised multiple times by coworkers who don’t know the significance of midnight January 1st 1970… We support an embedded Linux device, among other things…
Always “a” dildo, or “the” dildo, never “your” dildo…
Layoffs will be a regular occurrence. Think you’re safe because you have a lot of seniority? My wife was laid off by Chase just a couple weeks before her 20 year anniversary. Funnily enough, they had just switched everyone to thin clients a year or two before.
I will argue that if a problem was solved in the past without violence, it’s only because there was nonetheless the threat of violence. Gandhi is the classic example - he’s the one everyone remembers, but he wasn’t the only leader in the struggle for Indian independence. Those in power generally refuse to negotiate with terrorists, but given the possibility of prolonged bloody conflict, they may choose to negotiate with the nonviolent alternative.
Hey look, another sea lion!
Text often leaves out subtle nuance. In this case, imagine op making a hand gesture something like shaking ketchup out of a bottle.
It looks like you’re summoning a minor demon!
Unless I expect to see it, I cannot see it.
I don’t know if it’s a gift or a curse, but around my house, I’m the only one who can find anything - but it’s not because I scan the room and see it, but because at some point in the past, I happened to notice, and I just remember where nearly everything is, whether I want to or not. I guess it’s my coping mechanism.
Yes. Democrats alienating the people whose votes they need to win is absolutely a democrat problem.
two seconds after almost hitting two pedestrians
Two kids that reversed direction quickly and without warning? Were they trying to get hit?
Reminds me of the time I worked at the Sears repair call center… A woman who lived on the island of Nantucket needed her washing machine repaired - Sears only went out there two days a week, and they were booked for a couple weeks, so of course she asked “what am I supposed to do until then?” I suggested a laundromat. “Have you seen the kind of people who go to the laundromat?” I said “yup, I’m there once a week.” Was quite proud of myself, usually I don’t think of the perfect response until minutes later…
Have you been to southern California?