Not sure if I got the update yet, but I’m banning my printer from accessing the internet right now.
Not sure if I got the update yet, but I’m banning my printer from accessing the internet right now.
You can still build it yourself.
I always use VPN connected to my home network on my mobile device. This allows me to enjoy my PiHole even when not home. Though IPSet adds overhead for the network traffic, I like thinking that this setup uses less data in total due to not loading ads.
Both is very good. And PiHole will actually speed up slow internet as depicted in the meme, because the ads never even download in first place. Those that do get downloaded get squashed by your standard Ublock Origin.
Yeah, it’s big brain time.
My lead dev used to pronounce it njinx and I always needed some time to realize what he’s talking about.
And then I’ll use it for D&D. That is if I had friends who had time.
You’re right, I wasn’t thinking about the android app when writing this.
Ale we talking about the same thing?
Yeah, works nice as long as you have a server to host it on.
The only annoyance is that it’s not very space efficient and you have to rebuild your database like twice a year to bring the size back down. It might be not that bad depending on what you do. I create above thousand new lines of notes with a lot of pictures every day and I’m at around 2GB after rebuilding the database. I expect it to go up to like 6GB biyearly, but, again, clicking on the rebuild button deals with that.
Have you seen the community-made self hosted sync plugin?
There in fact are FOSS alternatives like Joplin. Personally, I actually switched from Joplin to Obsidian due to a larger community (and therefore community-driven plugins) and overall a more polished UX. That being said, I have the security of switching back if Obsidian ever becomes evil or unusable.
Another aspect is that the entire source code is technically viewable (partially obfuscated) since it’s a web app. Having written plugins for Obsidian, you’re very much interacting with the source code itself. Feels like open source with extra steps and I wish one day they will finally make the switch to true FOSS.
It looks so flimsy. The size of the keyboard compared to the screen feels like it would be nearly impossible to type on it with the thumbs comfortably and without the phone falling out of your hand.
Edit: Oh no, I just noticed that’s a case. Than makes it even worse. I would not trust that thing to hold my phone in place.
Spam GNU everywhere to occupy all their threads.
No better time to get into self hosting!
Or both
And she’s the secretary for homeland security of all things now?..
Must be the 50th such post I’ve seen in the past 7 days. Would people now vote differently if there was an election tomorrow or are they incapable of learning from their mistakes?
Idk, feel like I would prefer it in a sandwich. A sandwich with a pretty big pickle in it.
The original band coming back for one more single.