They are definitely faster than running in both games.
It is true that, in Oblivion, you could level up Athletics and Acrobatics to become faster than the horses.
They are definitely faster than running in both games.
It is true that, in Oblivion, you could level up Athletics and Acrobatics to become faster than the horses.
They put a rover in Starfield last year
Elder Scrolls has had horses since Oblivion
Unfortunately, Fediverse apps still have a lot of UX issues compared to their mainstream alternatives. Those will need to be smoothed over for mainstream adoption to take root.
They’re attractive to the tech inclined who are comfortable working around what, to them, is minor clunkiness. Mainstream users have shorter attention spans and are more likely to move on when there’s friction.
Far as the meme is concerned, the only Fediverse equivalent is Loops which is still in closed beta.
… second paragraph of the article:
In addition to the basic plans getting Copilot rolled in, there are now additional “Basic,” “Personal Classic,” and “Family Classic” tiers without Copilot and “other advanced features” added for users who do not use AI in their workflows
There’s a little ramp on at least one edge of the socket that lets you lift the CPU so that you can then take it out. It may even be on both sides.
Voyager is giving me an error when I try to attach a photo, but it’s visible in the thumbnail for this video
Fucking finally
I’ve never seen this be the case.
For the most part, the files still exist in the local filesystem unless one uses the “free up space” function to unload files to the cloud.
Where users have ended a subscription, they have become unable to add content to the cloud storage, which is to be expected. I’ve never been unable to download a file, it effectively goes into read-only mode.
I run a repair shop and work with consumers on a daily basis.
I’ve had dozens of occasions where a client is about to be spending hundreds on advanced data recovery service, but I had them check only for them to discover everything they cared about is already there.
I’ve also had plenty of occasions where someone hands me their “backup” only for it to be a blank external drive that they plugged in and assumed would “just work”
I would argue that Microsoft’s strategy is actually highly effective for getting tech novices connected to a backup solution that doesn’t add anything new to the to-do list. Windows Users really have to consciously go against the grain to end up paying for advanced data recovery services.
Care to elaborate on “take away access”?
By default, it simply gets remapped from C:/Users/Username/Documents to C:/Users/Username/OneDrive/Documents and remains accessible through the %USERPROFILE%/Documents environment variable.
Not exactly hard to create a symlink if you need it either.
The pattern looks like a GPU, more specifically a problem with VRAM.
This looks like a low to mid range HP laptop, so I question whether or not it even has dedicated graphics.
Systems with integrated graphics share RAM to use for graphics functions.
To test VRAM, one would use Nvidia MATS/MODS or AMD TServer/Memtune. They are not very accessible for the average user.
To test RAM, use Memtest86. This one is free and relatively straightforward.
This is going to be interesting
The diagnostic software environment I use to test graphics card VRAM only boots in legacy mode. TServer and Memtune are both internal AMD Tools that have leaked. So far, older boards that support Legacy / CSM have been the ideal platform as a test bench for graphics card repair.
Probably going to be quite the shakeup in the graphics card repair community’s toolkit if the updated version of Memtune for 9xxx cards ever leaks.