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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 25th, 2023


  • It has been several years since I watched the series, so I forget some of the ‘lore’. But as I remember the finale, there are 2 timelines or realities going on. The island good vs evil and the church reunions.

    The church is a reunion of people who have lived and died on the island. The plane crash still happened, the events on the island still happened, it wasn’t some collective fever dream or purgatory that the passengers were living. The church just shows the characters after they died, but they are reunited with people they bonded with on the island. For example, Charlie is reunited with Claire. Those two people wouldn’t know one another if they did not survive the plane crash.

    If someone has seen it more recently, maybe they could provide a better example? That’s the best I can describe it.

  • I think in hindsight, the ending is not that bad. Especially when you compare it to disasters like Game of Thrones and Pretty Little Liars. I haven’t seen the series in a few years, but I think watching it now on streaming is a completely different experience than tuning in every week.

    I found it hard to follow the mysteries and plot week to week. To be fair, I was young, my attention span was short, and I didn’t participate in any discussions or forums which would have been helpful for understanding.

    A lot of people didn’t understand the plot in the church was a sort of alternate reality where people were reunited in the afterlife. So people were upset that they were dead the whole time and that was too obvious. But that is not the plot, it’s just how people misremember it.

    Love it or hate it, I think the ending wrapped up enough of the plot to be respectful to the audience that fell in love and watched all those seasons. I personally kind of appreciate that some things felt unanswered. It made the whole tv show seem more mystical without being tied up in a perfect bow. But I am not prone to poking too many holes in the fiction I consume. I find it relaxing to just suspend my disbelief and enjoy.

  • None of the ones that I know care at all. They see it as if their sports team won the big game. I have checked in to see if they care about Musk’s Nazi salute, the response was “he was just excited and it was an awkward mishap”. Checked in about their taxes being raised in the new policy, the response was “I don’t know if that’s true.” Checked in about the unqualified appointments to high office, the response was “those are just smear campaigns by the left.”

    Honestly, short of Elon or Trump showing up on their doorstep and kicking their dog, I do think they will ever think “Hey, maybe he’s not a good guy and doesn’t have my best interest at heart.” Fox News, Newsmax, and whatever the hell else these people have been swallowing has rotted their brains to the point that they will not see reality.

  • Abstract - break down of disasters and crimes with excellent narration and very interesting topics

    Rare Earth - highlights uncommon locations (speaking as a Westerner) and the often horrific histories that framed their civilization/cities/people

    Micerah Tewers - super talented maker that sews copies of red carpet looks and other fun custumes with some home decor. Not instructional at all, just fast paced and entertainingly wholesome

    Ask a Mortician - really fascinating deep dives into what happened to the bodies of famous people, or people who died in extreme circumstances. She has recently highlighted a few infamous shipwrecks…which brings me to

    Oceanliner designs and Part Time Explorer - both nautical history buffs that articulate the grandeur and sometimes horror of ship travel

    Miniminuteman - archeology videos featuring a lot of lesser known sites that are fascinating. Articulate dismantling of psuedo-archeology bullshit and refreshingly modern understanding of science communication

    LadyKnightthebrave - discussing the emotions that film and tv can make you feel. Honestly just cathartic if she talks about a movie you feel strongly about, like the articulate friend you wish you had to decompress with after an emotional movie

    Contrapoints - incredible everything from set design to arguments. Long form, in depth explanations about a lot of topics some people would consider taboo, or that people are close minded about.

    Atun Shei Films - known primarily for Check Mate Lincolnites which is a comedic sketch that dismantles lost cause myths from the civil war. Lots of interesting historical and film stuff.

    Lindybeige - every video feels like an eccentric history professor’s impassioned tangent on a subject he deeply cares about, so it entirely derails the original subject of the lecture.

  • It’s ironic that Elon runs a company called Tesla, when he is so clearly a modern-day Edison. Taking credit for the great ideas of other engineers. I have always doubted his genius, because anyone who tries that hard to prove to everyone he is smart is just selling himself to make money.

    It is so clear that he lied about the video game thing because it is a tactic that has worked for him before. Fake it till you make it. We need to stop considering any actions from SpaceX or Tesla to be the fruit of Elons labor, give the credit to the engineers there and let Elon be the weirdo knock off Tony Stark he always has been.

  • Watched from my kitchen window as my dad and my dog were chased by a skunk. It was exactly like a comedy sketch. First it was dog barking at skunk with dad yelling from the side door. Then it was skunk chasing dog, dog chasing skunk with dad chasing dog. Then the tables were turned, and my dad was being chased by the skunk.

    It was glorious. I remember it taking ages before they could get safely inside. My dad was pissed at the time. They both were partially sprayed, but I don’t remember it being that bad of an aftermath. We laugh about it now.