Your hair is the roof of your mouth.
Your hair is the roof of your mouth.
If theft is this bad, these stores should just switch back to the traditional model used by pharmacies and general stores. Consider this photo of a traditional pharmacy:
Or this old general store:
This is what these businesses used to look like. In traditional pharmacies and general stores, most goods were kept behind counters or at the very least within direct view of those behind counters. A traditional dry good store might literally just be a big counter in the front with a huge warehouse in the back. You show up with a list of goods you want, and the clerk would run into the back and grab everything you wanted.
The model of a store with aisles that customers wander through is not the historical norm. As industrialization improved, the relative costs of goods lowered, while the relative cost of labor increased. So it made sense for stores to accept a higher level of theft and shopliting by offloading the item-picking process to their customers. They got the customers to do a lot of the work for them, but in exchange they accepted a higher level of theft.
Now they’re trying to have things both ways. They still want customers to do all the work of picking out their purchases from the shelves, but they’ve decided they don’t like the level of shoplifting that level of low labor cost business inevitably produces. They want the customers to do most of the labor of clerks, but they don’t want to accept the level of theft that inevitably produces.
I honestly wonder, is it illegal to simply unlock those things, if you have no intention of actually stealing from them? It’s not like they use particularly high security locks. You can probably buy some simple lock raking or cylinder lock tools.
Is it actually violating a law to unlock one of those cases if you don’t have any intention of actually stealing something?
You sacrifice and sacrifice, cutting everything out of your habits or diet that may bring you pleasure, only for the sake of extending your life. Then at the end of it all, you look back in dismay, in the dismal realization that despite your years, you have never lived at all…
My bugbear with Mc’D’s is how they now always ask you if you are using their damned app.
I know I shouldn’t, and that they’re just teenagers reading from a script. But I just can’t help myself. Whenever they ask if I’ll be using the app, I flippantly reply, “nah, I don’t want Ronald reading my email.”
This man needs to be sentenced to 10 years solitary confinement in a room with 100 electronically controlled vuvuzelas serenading him at all hours of the day and night.
I just always imagine that those ads are the vivid hallucinations of a patient in a mental hospital.
Perhaps. But if that’s the case, then I’m pretty sure that makes Mac OS Eastern Orthodox.
What oddball OS would be Ethiopian Orthodox?
Linux distros are just the new “101 flavors of Protestantism,” complete with radical zealots who believe you will go to Hell for choosing the wrong one.
You’re assuming the law will be applied consistently.
Morning? You mean good forenoon to you sir!
They won’t even need to use terrorism. Right in Project 2025 is a plan to slowly classify any public existence or acknowledgement of LGBT identities as “pornographic.” And in turn classify showing “pornography” to children is pedophilia and worthy of being put on the sex offender registry. They want to make it so if say, a trans woman, goes out in public and a child sees her, then that is the equivalent of grooming an 8 year old child by showing them pornographic videos. Oh, and they also want to attach the death penalty to crimes of pedophilia.
They’re talking about rounding up 20 million people and deporting them. Do you really think you can do that without setting up massive camps that match or exceed the scale of anything the Nazis set up? And if you really want to move that many people around, you may end up having to use trains.
Oh, and worse, they have no plan on how to actually deport that many people. The Nazis originally planned to deport all the Jews as well. Yet they quickly found that there simply weren’t enough nations willing to accept all these deportees. Other countries aren’t obligated to accept your deportees.
So you now have millions of people in camps, costing a fortune to maintain, and no where to send these people. That always ends in slavery, death, or death by slavery. Whenever your plan starts with “round up tens of millions of people and put them in camps,” you can guarantee that a massive death toll is going to follow.
Anything less than tens of millions dead falls short of your comment. And that’s likely not the reality.
Trans people, the group currently most targeted for elimination by the right, represent about 1% of the US population. Jewish people in pre-Nazi Germany also represented about 1% of the population.
When Republicans past eliminationist laws meant to persecute trans people, deny them from public life, and kill them by taking away their healthcare, they are committing crimes of the same order as what Germany did in the 1930s.
That is simple historical by-the-numbers truth.
Wood science, I suppose.