When I am in a bad mood I answer with: “And what exactly is good about it?”
Reminds me of the quote from The Hobbit:
“What do you mean?” he said. “Do you wish me a good morning, or mean that it is a good morning whether I want it or not; or that you feel good this morning; or that it is a morning to be good on?”
Bilbo smiled, and leaned over the fence, where he slapped the pipe out of the wizard’s mouth, and whispered “Don’t be a dick, Gandalf.”
-Easy on the pipe, wizard.
Going through the motions of normal social interactions, when suddenly–
Reminds me of my Polish colleague who once arrived at the office and said: "I would say good morning. But it’s not a good morning. "
The previous night our manager had taken the team out for dinner and drinks, paid for by the company. It wasn’t a good morning for any of us 😁
Reminds me of my Lithuanian colleague, who would walk into the office and not say anything. If you greeted her, she’d cast you a wary look like what’s so special about this morning to make it “good” mothafucka
Sounds Polish alright
I can hear the Polish accent
One morning, a few weeks back, I made eye contact with someone who was obviously having a rough morning. I knew I shouldn’t engage but I also didn’t want to ignore them, so I gave a quick good morning. They promptly responded, “fuck your morning.”
I think of that interaction every day.
Nothing good about it, apparently.
“Thanks, you too.”
It’s not my morning
I like to stick with a simple “hello” so I don’t have to keep track of time (e.g. during meetings across timezones or even when I’m so scatterbrained that day that I lose track of local time) and it’s also less presumptuous.
I always greet with ‘morning’, no matter the time.
People have accepted that ‘morning’ is my standard greeting regardless of the time of day. It’s even become a thing everyone says within my close friend group.
If its a group of people I just mutter bunch of things: “hi” “morning” “happy birthday” “merry christmas” (doesn’t matter what day or time)
As a teenager I’d sometimes just randomly sprinkle in complete nonsense as a greeting, like ‘wtf is oatmeal’, or ‘I speak for the trees’, and hardly anyone noticed
Especially if there’s a lineup of people waiting to shake hands. “Hello. How are you. Happy Easter. Gondor calls for aid.”
Oh hey, I do the same! Is it 5pm, 5am, 11:51am? Morning!
Same here! I was already prone to saying “Morning!” anytime, as is… but after working nights for years, it has become permanent. I stopped trying to figure out what time of day it is when greeting people, so it’s always morning lol
But I rarely say, “Have a good morning”. It’s normally just “Have a good day”
The worst is being corrected.
“Good morning, how are you?”
looks at watch “it’s 12:01pm so it’s good afternoon”
“Then I take it back.”
The worst is being corrected.
“Good morning.”
“Pfft… not really.”
I’d just say “Morning. I won’t know if it was good or not until this afternoon.”
This is about the sort of answer I’d expect from an average Lemmy user.
Sou ds like a Ron Swanson joke.
The woke left is trying to kill morning. Now you have to say “happy arbitrary ante meridiem temporal designation.”
Morning America Good Again!
Morning? You mean good forenoon to you sir!
Forenoon? That’s new-age hippie revisionist nonsense.
We need to click our heels together and say Ave!
Oh to be as free as that man.
"Is it a `good morning’ for all the starving children dying of preventable diseases in the world?!
Is it!? Are you having fun mocking dying kids by declaring their suffering this morning as ‘good?’"
Used to say derivations of the above to a napoleonic little supervisor that liked to flex power so they would avoid me. Worked a treat for a decade.
Additional tip if you have a difficult to replace skill at work and don’t want to be bothered with the corpo stepfords: always bring up zombie contingencies at mandatory safety and readiness meetings, and be loudly disappointed in the room for not taking such a potential threat seriously and doubt their commitment to safety over it. It’s fun. What are they going to do? Send you to HR so you can turn it around on them in front of HR for not taking workplace safety seriously?
They can’t do anything to you for wanting to be even more prepared, so the A type true believer corpos will just try to not engage with you, the goal, and the cool people will enjoy your disruptive fuckery.
Who cares if they think you stupid or insane? They proudly believe in the their capitalist “mission,” so their opinions have no value.
“Good afternoon, because there’s no saving this morning”
Now is the only moment that matters. Don’t worry about tomorrow or relive yesterday.
I always say “y’all have a good night”, even if I’m only talking to one person, at any time of day
Vigo: Death is but a doorway, time is but a window, I’ll be back.
Someone once told me “time means nothing to me”. Anyone that says this is super cringe 😅.