It might help get to sleep, but it harms the quality of your sleep.
It harms the quality of your sleep if it’s still in your system. Which is why I warned specifically against that.
My Dearest Sinophobes:
Your knee-jerk downvoting of anything that features any hint of Chinese content doesn’t hurt my feelings. It just makes me point an laugh, Nelson Muntz style as you demonstrate time and again just how weak American snowflake culture really is.
Hugs & Kisses, 张殿李
It might help get to sleep, but it harms the quality of your sleep.
It harms the quality of your sleep if it’s still in your system. Which is why I warned specifically against that.
Anything that engages the listener would keep me awake, sadly. I have to play music, and ideally music that I’m either very familiar with or that’s so bland and repetitive that I don’t engage.
All those nasty power leds, tape on them.
We’ve banned anything with yellow, green, or blue LEDs in the bedroom. On top of that:
Complete darkness.
I’ve personally enforced this with some very nice eye shades. If I put them on in even broad daylight I can sleep easily if I’m ready for sleep. They’re like blackout curtains for your eyes. (My SO doesn’t do this; his loss.)
As an extra, I take one shot of liquor an hour before I go to bed. After an hour all the alcohol is metabolized (do not go to sleep with a measurable blood alcohol level!) so I’m relaxed and mellow and ready for sleep.
This is the danger of a “quick look”. It makes you look ridiculous when you talk about it later.
Have you heard of the Butlerian Jihad?
My vision isn’t quite as extreme.
Do you think we should still harvest fields by hands instead of using tractors?
That is absolutely not the issue and you know it. How do I know you know it? Because you’re not a moron, which leaves only “disingenuous”.
Your “harvest field by hands” thing isn’t even remotely close to the issue. AI isn’t a tractor making tilling, seeding, harvesting, etc. etc. etc. easier. AI is stealing, say, the wheat from other people’s farms and putting it into your silo and making bread with it.
If you really want someone to stop bothering you, botch the job.
Any occupation with significant technical skill gets this treatment, as do any occupations with any significant creative component.
So yes, if you’re in tech you get people begging you to work for free among your circle of family and friends. Same if you’re a doctor. A lawyer. An artist. A musician. Etc. etc. etc.
Smart people making use of such talents will pay, not necessarily in money but in other forms of currency ranging from “a six-pack” through trades of labour (“let me do your dishes while you look at my laptop”) through sometimes less tangible things like introducing you to their own circle of friends and such giving you an opportunity to broaden your network.
Dumb people demand aid and then get offended if you say “no”.
The important bit is that he wrote the piece.
If it was written by AI by definition he didn’t write it.
Yes. Open source. So you give a few hundred lines of material so that people can steal millions to billions of lines of it.
A perfect exchange that is.
I’ve been tempted to go there a few times, but then I realized the only question I’d have is “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH ALL Y’ALL!?” and decided that would be unproductive.
I think people just hate ai.
And yet you don’t take the further step of asking why people “just hate ai”.
Building a project around the mass theft of culture is a problem to me. Hence the downvote.
This right here is most especially tedious to me: all the “politics” discussion really meaning “American political obsessions”. There’s only 350 million or so Americans and yet they act as if their politics are all that matters to the remaining 7.7 billion or so of us.
Interesting how trapped pedals got fixed over the air. That’s some very advanced robotics if the truck can reach into itself and physically reattach and better-fasten accelerator pedals!
Or, you know, you’re reciting Apartheid Manchild’s marketing without even pausing to think.
You can detect metabolites of almost anything in urine and/or stool for days. That’s not the question here. The question is do these metabolites interfere with sleep?
From personal experience I know it’s a REALLY bad idea to sleep with any measurable blood alcohol content. When I’ve done that, I fall asleep quickly but I wake up feeling more tired than when I fell asleep. When I let it metabolize first, the quality of the sleep improves dramatically. So it sounds like acetaldehyde and acetate don’t impact my sleep negatively at all.