I wish I never told anyone I worked or studied tech. Especially older family and friends, because their requests for help are relentless.
A lot of friends are chill with it, and I don’t mind doing a little bit of help, but sometimes people are who are OFFENDED when you don’t want to help. In the same way a contractor friend won’t remodel your home for free, I am not going to fix every single issue you have with your computer for free. I’m happy to give advice, but i’m not going to work for hours without pay to fix everything.
Any occupation with significant technical skill gets this treatment, as do any occupations with any significant creative component.
So yes, if you’re in tech you get people begging you to work for free among your circle of family and friends. Same if you’re a doctor. A lawyer. An artist. A musician. Etc. etc. etc.
Smart people making use of such talents will pay, not necessarily in money but in other forms of currency ranging from “a six-pack” through trades of labour (“let me do your dishes while you look at my laptop”) through sometimes less tangible things like introducing you to their own circle of friends and such giving you an opportunity to broaden your network.
Dumb people demand aid and then get offended if you say “no”.