I assume Facebook runs on Linux, as does the rest of the internet?
I wish Linux distros use a license that prevents this nonsense.
(I know including ethics in a license is a bad idea, but still…)
I assume Facebook runs on Linux, as does the rest of the internet?
I wish Linux distros use a license that prevents this nonsense.
(I know including ethics in a license is a bad idea, but still…)
Chances are I live in a different country, sp probably not able to help you, sorry! I tried buying an anonymous sim card in Spain, but I don’t think that’s actually possible there for instance.
For me it’s more of an experiment, to avoid advertisement and just to be sure when some person takes power that does care about stupid things like my political views, sexuality, etc. That has happened before. And the technology is there to scrape this data in mass quantities, so someone is going to do it at some point.
Keep your murder-machine out of my city. Please.
Yes, I created an entire fake identity with it that I’m now using here so I can say what I want without worrying about loosing my job.
One thing to keep in mind is that most prepaid providers require you to use the phone every once in a while, or you loose the number (don’t ask me how I know and don’t ask me what happens if I forgot my password)
Related to gambling: being “pot committed”