Well, I hope the data protection official of my school won’t find out. Oh wait, shit. He did find out. It’s me and idgaf.
Well, I hope the data protection official of my school won’t find out. Oh wait, shit. He did find out. It’s me and idgaf.
That also is my experience.
I saved a lot of time due to ChatGPT. Need to sign up some of my pupils for a competition by uploading their data in a csv-File to some plattform? Just copy and paste their data into chsatgpt and prompt it to create the file. The boss (headmaster) wants some reasoning why I need some paid time for certain projects? Let ChatGPT do the reasoning. Need some exercises for one of my classes that doesn’t really come to grips with while-loops? let ChatGPT create those exercises (some smartasses will of course have ChatGPT then solve those exercises). The list goes on…
Again, the world is not black and white, only.
You know what you’re left with after renting for 50 years? Absolutely nothing.
Not really. If I don’t buy any real estate, I can afford to invest into other things. I could make monthly investments into a MSCI world ETF, for example. After a couple of decades I will have 0 debts and a lot of funds. And selling funds is easy and can be handled very flexibly (selling funds for amount x is trivial). If I buy real estate, by the time I retire I will have a house, worth 400.000€ or so and 200.000€ of debt or something along those lines. That might be better on balance, but it is a pain in the ass. You safe money on rent, but you pay interest instead.
And it’s not even like tenant rights are especially good here.
In Germany they are relatively good for tenants. Can’t complain. Rental contracts are typically indefinite. The landlord can also not raise my rent at will or get me out without a good reason and a very generous grace period. But on the other hand, I got a new gf and might need more space and some garden, etc. We will see. I have some considerations to do.
I agree. Lilienthal showed a proof of concept. The Wrights made it practical. As soon as aerodynamics was understood a bit better, there was enough lift, to move the whole elevator assembli to the back of the plane, but apart from that, the whole thing still is the most practical approach.
Oh, right. Somehow I only noticed the original post.
And Haber of Haber-Bosch fame also invented using poisonous gas as a weapon in WW1.
Nope. The Brits did that, in South Africa, iirc.
Germany actually did invent this. The brothers Wright only stuck an engine to it. The first glider that actually deserved its name was inveted by Otto Lilienthal. He died in it. Without his work, the Wright brothers would not have been able to build their plane.
Yes. New Mazdas use one as a range extender. It’s shitty.
Red One. It was shit. Don’t recommend.
The world is not black and white. Example: I am a rentee in Germany in a house with 16 flats. My landlord owns exactly one flat in this house, the one I live in. The house and the adjacent house is owned by a community of owners. They meet once a year for decisions of all kind. They employ the services of a buidling managament company that sees to things like light fixtures in the garage and stairwells, cleaning of stairwells, repairs, winter service, trash cans moved to the streets, etc. This ist the 4th or 5th rental flat I have lived in. About 50% of people in Germany live as rentees. It generally has been a good experience for me. Finding a suitable flat has been difficult last time, in 2022. Generally, I want this option. Buying a home does have it perks, but generally it is financially not the best option. Example: if I want to buy a flat in the vincinity of my rental appartement, same size, same facilities, I would have to fork over 400k€ at least. If I even find anything comparable. As of now, I pay 660€ of rent each month (+ utilities). That means, that I could just as well live happily as a rentee for the next 50 years for the same amount of money. I am 47 now, so even accounting for some raises of the rent I could live here for cheaper as a rentee until I die.
I will buy a property in 2026 nevertheless. But it will not be located as conveniently as my current flat. I will be able to buy a house for maybe 220k€, but it won’t be within the city center, like my current flat. But the new gf and her kid make an own house more desirable.
Why is Linux on there? What sense does it make to compare a kernel with an entire system?
Android is Linux. Raspberry OS is Linux. Caldera Open Linux is Linux. Ubuntu is Linux. Debian is Linux. etc.
My experience: Linux is really good on mobile devices (Android). It is really good for affordable hobby projects (RaspberryOS). There are hardly any alternatives on servers and super computers. On my Laptop and my Desktop PC I prefer Windows. Macs are too expensive and Linux tends to be shit there whenever your hardware is brand new and that’s exactly when you want to install the OS.
No backup, no sympathy.
I didn’t find anything regarding that. I only found a fellow German who thought about shipping that stuff from Germany…
I wonder if it is feasible to book a trip to Canada or Mexico and just buy it there. I guess pharmacies accept prescriptions of 'Murican doctors there, if patients pay themselves…
It’s been some time, but IIRC, I downloaded W11 onto a flashdrive with the MS media creation tool, booted of this drive and did a fresh install over my W10 installation. In this process I wiped my disk. Before that I googled what to do in order to be able to install without an internet connection. This allowed me to complete the installation without an MS account. This procedure might have changed since then. AFAIK there are still some hoops you can jump through in order to get it running without an MS account.
I use Windows 11 without an MS account and with Classic Shell. You can hardly tell a difference. I will continue using it. Because I can’t be bothered not to. It also came with my computer (well, W10 did but the upgrade worked painlessly).
My MSCI World ETF shares lost about 4% in a day. yesterday. Does this have anything to do with this shitshow?
Yes. Only 25.7 billion dollars. It’s practically dead.