Bs. The Chinese in Richmond BC don’t give a af about whiny white leftist problems.
Well not nobody. Turns out there are some Nazis. /s
You people are fkn insanely stupid. Think twice about buying a Mercedes Benz you infant loser.
One of the things that has continuously confounded me about Musk’s veneration by the modern American fascist is that one of the main accomplishments they hail him as a genius for are “his” advancements in electric cars.
Which are necessitated by Global Warming.
Which they do not believe in.
Ironically, the EV’s suck and are for commies crowd are now lauding Tesla as the best vehicle on the market
Musk aside, Tesla cars have always been pretty shoddy
It’s not ironic necessarily. It’s more the morons that hated EVs and Musk hated them because Trump did. Now that Trump loves them, they love them.
They’re just weak-minded easily manipulated sheep who hurt when they have to think for themselves and they’d rather be told what to think.
We all know what’s going to happen, Elon just going to get a “government contract”, where he can make it so that teslas will be the main vehicle manufacturer for government.
Fuck. What if Elon is just gonna start making weapons? Didn’t he flaunt a flamethrower for his lame company years ago?
I hope so. Any one who signs up for trump’s military deserves to burst into flames
I would like a Chinese EV, but the capitalists are enforcing protectionism.
You can fellate Winnie the Pooh on your own time. It comes with its own whole set of problems.
Nothing quite says “American Capitalist bootlicker” more than proudly paying more for an inferior product while complaining that it’s the Communists fault.
I would too, but you have to understand why the USA is blocking these cars from coming in. The cost of these cheap EVs are not based off of supply and demand. Its not even this cheap because of effectiveness or efficiencies. Its from the CCP subsidies. The CCP wants to dump on the competition in efforts to kill off anyone making a car, then start jacking up the price after they have market share.
That’s only half the truth though. The main reason why they’re so cheap is because they manufacture everything in the supply chain themselves. Everything. They have their own mines for their resources, they make their own batteries (which they’ve been doing for ages), they make their own electronics, they make their own software etc. They also have a completely different mindset. For them they are rolling electrical devices with some software. They don’t need the knowhow of the traditional car manufacturers. And then they bought the Audi designer along with his entire team to make the cars look good.
Edit: I’m talking about BYD. The rest is pretty much irrelevant.
Yes, there are efficiencies since all the tech is pretty close, but that pales in comparison to the sheer dollars injected into the industries. 231 billion dollars. Compare that to the 2nd closest investment into a car manufacturer which is the USA at 30 billion.
Each one of these new 500+ car manufacturers produced cars at a loss. Not because efficiencies. Because of subsidies. In some cases, not even sold at all.
Here in Taiwan, we get unfiltered China news.
My dude the US subsidizes the shit out of its electric car industry. When someone brings up “supply and demand” and just tries to pretend that the economy is exactly what they learned in their econ101 class.
They are doing the tarrifs on Chinese EVS because (1) they can’t compete on price and (2) the Chinese EVS are just a superior product.
You’re right on China though. They are just doing exactly what the US has done for decades. It’s just that the US doesn’t like having to actually compete with another country. So instead of actually making better and cheaper cars they instead just decide to tell the American people “nah, looks like you’re just being a shit Tesla”
The US loves to say “free market” but notice how they don’t allow a free market to force their industry to actually innovate and compete.
China is not “cheating” by subsidizing it’s industry. That’s literally just standard shit every government does. Thats just an excuse. America is subsidizing it’s EVs too. They just have worse EVs.
So much to unpack here but I’ll do my best to address everything you’re saying here.
1- Chinese cars can’t compete in price: yes because China has been dumping subsidies into the market, inflating the supply. China dumped 231 billion dollars into EVs from 2009 to 2023. Over 500 electric car brands were created due to this injection. There is only are less than 100 left after China stopped the subsidies.
2- The Chinese EV are a superior product: which one of the 500 car companies are you referring to? outside ofthe top China brands (Geely, BYD), they all sorta suck.
China is doing is state sponsored “dumping”. which artificially reduces prices to gain market share and has a negative effect on the industry. Every country in the world, not just the US, has an anti dumping policy, including China.
While we the consumer would love to spend pennies on the dollar for an electric cars, the effect is only temporary and when we start losing car companies due to this practice, prices always, ALWAYS, are higher after we lose competition.
Anti dumping policies is not hindering free market. The second you inject 231 billion dollars of government subsidies into an industry, is the second it no longer becomes a free market.
Yes, the USA has also has given subsidies. In total about 30 billion dollars. A drop in the bucket on the 231 billion the CCP has injected.
Trump is all about removing regulations and stated “for every new regulation, 10 must be revoked.” During his first term it was 2. He is moving the market that way, and boy oh boy is it going to suck for the consumer and small companies that want to compete.
I’m also pretty sure their security / safety standards are pure ass. I barely trust our automakers, I sure as shit don’t trust the fucking CCP
I live in Taiwan and we call those China made cars tofu cars. Their domestic cars are terrible. So many of them are going out of business because the the CCP lowered down the subsidies.
I won’t be caught dead in one.
So capitalism.
Yes, we get to prioritize USA industries vs China’s. I’m down for that.
“Our chineze vs their chinese.”
State capitalism, but yes.
We don’t want that evil capitalism here in the US. No sir.
Then explain why I see them everywhere. People are just way too late on finding out about Elons true colors
I’d take one, lol.
its not the death of the electric car. Its the death of a bad one.
All cars are bad. Combustion or not.
Teslas are actually pretty good from what I’ve seen.
There is a Tesla New Buyers delivery checklist you can find online that was written by a group of Tesla enthusiasts. Just a few years ago one of the items on the checklist was “Make sure you can put the car in Park (and that it stays parked)”. (Ref:
I’m not away of any other car where this was something people had to check before delivery — apparently it was a bit of a common problem for a time. That seems absolutely crazy to me, and a major failure of QA as it poses a significant safety hazard.
My buddy messed up and spilled a drink in his model X. When pulling up the carpet and panels to clean up he found a bunch of blue painter’s tape where there were supposed to be wiring harnesses and screws. You’ll note that blue painters tape is designed to be temporary, and will not last more than a year or two.
Actually, no. Tesla always had huge QA issues. Panels not fitting on the cyber truck really isn’t the first time that stuff just doesn’t quite fit on teslas
Nope. Tesla Model 3 Ranked Last In German TUV Reliability Report
2-3 years Tesla Model 3 14.7% defect rate
German TUV Reliability Report
Those numbers are very misleading, as it includes rust on the brakes.
EVs don’t use their brakes as often due to regen, and vehicles with one pedal driving where you can come to a complete stop without using the brakes, use it even less.
A large portion of these failures are from some rust appearing from lack of using the brakes. Using the brakes more frequently, or intentional aggressive braking would clear the rust, but it’s a fail if it’s there when you take it in.
That’s not to say there aren’t other problems, but it’s not as bad as the dead last 14.7% makes it look, and it’s not wholly about poor quality as the report implies, as that isn’t a quality problem.
Tesla has some of the better one pedal driving and more aggressive regen set ups as well, so the brakes are used less.
Breaks are kinda important.
Sure, but a little rust because they weren’t used isn’t a problem, comes off when you use them, but is an instant fail. The brakes are not damaged or broken.
All brakes rust when not used. If you drove around in the rain today, then didn’t drive for a few days, you’ll probably have a little rust on your brakes. You go for a drive and then it’s gone.
If you take your car in for a pre-inspection report, and they see some rust on the brakes, they will tell you to drive it around a bit using the brakes a lot before taking it in to be inspected.
it’s not an actual problem, and not indicative of a poor quality vehicle.
Edit: To be clear - the drivers should be using the brakes more to clear them so it doesn’t build up to excessive amounts which may be a problem at some point, but the test fails them well before it’s an actual problem.
Edit: Also, where the model 3 failed a lot outside of the brakes was the front suspension. There are legitimate problems with the front suspension on the older Model 3s. Those are legitimate fails and are a quality issue (there’s even a service bulletin for at least one of the problems)
Someone downvoted you. Just wanted to say, that said person is a moron.
Since when does being right-wing make you a Nazi?
Nazi’s are far-right to the extreme, Musk and Trump are Right-Wing. Nothing more. Disagreeing with them doesn’t make them Nazi’s and calling them Nazi’s actually says more about that persons intolerance than they think it does.
Since when does being right-wing make you a Nazi?
We all saw the nazi salute, then we saw him do it a second time just to drive the point home.
I’ve seen the video of him WAVING but I haven’t seen him do it a second time.
Do you call this full blown nazi salute a wave? The only relation to a wave, is the 2008 German movie Die Welle, for obvious reasons.
I’ve seen the video of him WAVING
try “waving” like that in Germany and see where that gets you
Wave like that at work in front of HR.
Well, time to get your eyes checked and shop for new glasses.
Video I’ve seen has been paused just at the right (or wrong) time to suit the narrative. He was waving at the inauguration. I don’t know about another time.
But to my knowledge he hasn’t invaded Poland or started gassing Jews so I think the Nazi label is a tad unfair.
He very clearly salutes, turns around, and salutes again. Twice in a row, enthusiastically and perfectly executed.
If you haven’t seen this, you didn’t watch the inauguration.
No I didn’t. Not being American why would I. Just seen the video online.
Then you probably shouldn’t waste so much of other people’s time by claiming something didn’t happen if you haven’t even bothered to fucking check.
If that was a wave, I’m the fucking Pope!
Hey nice try gaslighting but anyone with eyeballs can see the fucking nazi salute, fuck all the way off
I’m genuinely so excited to have actually encountered one in the wild. That is, someone that is trying to claim that Elon didn’t sieg heil multiple times. Fascinating, they said people would but I just didn’t believe them
I’ve seen too many of that ilk. Then again, I peruse the YouTube comments, so it’s pretty my own fault.
His standard for being labeled a Nazi is one Hitler fails prior to 1939. They might as well have a sign with bold print proclaiming, “I’m not to be taken seriously.”
You’re kidding, right? With your username being what it is, one might be tempted to think that you would know better than that…
I’m not going to get into how the Federation are clearly space Nazi’s right now. However I’m not sure how my username should effect my feelings about freedoms we no longer enjoy in the UK. Freedoms that according to the UK government only pedophiles and far-right extremists care about. Don’t forget that as our freedoms are being removed I now need to use a VPN to access because we have rampant censorship and no free speech.
With your username being what it is
Some people really like Section 31 and the Mirror Universe. And Ferenginar before it went all woke.
Since when doing a Nazi-salute makes you not-a-nazi?
When you’re a billionaire. Then it turns out, you’re just giving your heart to the crowd. And then, when you fund and speak at Nazi party rallies overseas, you’re just fighting “woke” or something. And when you agree that “Jews are doing ethnic replacement” on Twitter, you just have to take pictures at a concentration camp and you’re a “friend of Israel”
But I do enjoy when people get fired because they think they can do it too
People really hate nazis my guy so even doing shit as a joke pisses people off. Its not cute its fuckin fighting words
I’d say I hate nazis about 3000% more than republicans hate immigrants
Its not intolerance to refuse to support them. Being far right makes you a liar and bigot at the very least. I haven’t seen one example of a decent human being who considers themselves far right.
Everyone that isn’t a Leftist gets slapped with the far-right label these days though. Especially by the British government where ANY anti-immigration sentiment or even patriotism is branded dangerous far-right.
Hell even waving our own flag in Britain will get you labelled as far-right.
The term gets thrown around while most people don’t really understand it. That is what is dangerous.
when did they bring that in?
If you’re referring to the flag there are local authorities that will TRY and order you to take down the Union Jack as it can be offensive to some people. Which usually results on more flags being flown.
Is there another country on Earth where the feelings of foreigners is placed above and beyond the national flag?
Have you ever stopped to think about why? Probably not otherwise you wouldn’t be here acting like a butt hurt right-winger
Yes I know why. There are far-right people. (Possibly Musk and Trump) but then there are right wing people. People that simply want free speech, a free and open internet, privacy, border controls and not have illegal immigrants going to the head of the line for public services. Non of which we have anymore in the UK. But everyone not left wing gets lumped together and branded a far-right extremist.
The leftists are completely tolerant of others. Until you disagree with them.
You won’t but you should watch this
Revenue [increased] 2% to $25.71 billion
Yes. Only 25.7 billion dollars. It’s practically dead.
Q4 2024 was before all the overt nazi shit.
But I agree that calling it dead is premature.
It’s called inflation.
For the Americans that don’t know the word Nazism:
Although he has right-wing ideologies, there is no evidence of Elon Musk being a Nazi. A car can’t be a Nazi either…
I’m tired of all of the populism and strong headlines on Lemmy. Actual factual journalism gets burried deep in the feed.
Oh fuck off, bootlicker.
Thanks for the civilized discussion. Have a nice day to you too.
I disagree. He’s done enough that calling him a Nazi feels accurate to me. Or at least enough of a Nazi sympathizer that I totally support not doing business with him.
What I get frustrated by is justifying hurting the people that have his cars. Having a Tesla does not make one a Nazi sympathizer. You could maybe make the case that buying one today might, but even then I don’t think it’s justified attacking people for having a car.
If you want to be an extremist about it, hurt the dealerships and the company. Don’t go after people who are almost certainly not that different from you. The people keying cars just want to feel smugly superior to someone and feel morally justified for being an asshole, they don’t want to make anything better for anyone. If that’s how you act, you’re just a fascist with a slightly different ideology.
Let’s look through your own Wikipedia link.
Nazism […] [has] disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system.
The union hating, multi-million dollar lobbying, vote-bribing billionaire totally supports actual democracy guys, trust me!
Its beliefs include support for dictatorship
He actively supports Trump’s unitary executive theory and related policy goals.
Elon supporting an antisemetic tweet
He blames communism for making his trans daughter mad at him
He actively supports stopping aid to Ukrainians and ceding their land to Russia
scientific racism
white supremacy
Here’s him spreading scientific racism that claims people of European descent are superior
Elon refuses to enforce Twitter’s policies against homophobia and transphobia
ableism, and the use of eugenics
white supremacy
He regularly promotes white nationalists online
The only very few, specific categories I didn’t find any explicit mentions of him doing in my 10 minutes of searching around were anti-Romani sentiment and social darwinism, and you’d be hard pressed to prove that everyone you’d probably otherwise consider a Nazi throughout history believed every single possible bullet point in this Wikipedia page.
If all this doesn’t make him a Nazi, then I don’t know what does.
Man, you can really see Adolf saying “Sieg Heil!” Scary stuff.
Not to mention the guy on the left.
I don’t think I could do a better Nazi salute on purpose.
there’s 0% chance he didn’t practice in front of the mirror like a fucking dork
History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme. Musk isn’t a member of the Nazi party. He does hold a lot of important views in common with them, however. He also associates with people who fit most of the rest.
What percentage do you think is needed before calling someone a Nazi?
Saluting like a nazi is sufficient as far as I’m concerned.
I would personally add a small amount of slack for bad taste satire (we were all young idiots at some point), but basically agree. Any signs of the other points, and that slack is gone, however.
I was mostly curious if the OP was acting in bad faith, or a useful idiot that could be reasoned with.
No evidence, except for that the entire first paragraph of that page describes his exact behavior. No need to be a bootlicker
nazis didn’t exist, they were all confused autists making awkward gestures
I guess you could say the same about Hitler, since he didn’t personally kill any jews. If killing jews isn’t a requirement then there is definetly evidence that musk is a neo-nazi
This is exactly what this polarizing title intended to do. Attract people like you who relativise the atrocities Hitler has done. Populism is a bitch and you’re falling right for it.
Just give me an informative article with normal title and stop filling Lemmy with all of this clickbaity populistic shit that helps nobody. I’m tired of it and tired of discussing it too.
Relatively speaking, Hitler was one of the worst people to ever live! And the richest man alive today idolizes him.
Imagine if Mansa Musa and Hitler teamed up! The world needs to not experience that!
“Ignore your lying eyes.”
Fuckin’ Nazi apologists.
No need to get personal. I’m open for a civilized discussion but not this.
You’re not open to calling a Nazi a Nazi. Fuck you.
Wwwaaahhh! Defending Nazis gets people to say man things to me!
yeah, no evidence other than spreading antisemitism on x and litterær fucking heiling /s
I legitimately didn’t know about that tweet. Can you share a source? I find a lot of articles but none of them quoting the content in full.
Fuck off with this sea-lioning bullshit. The Nazi salute and AFD promotion were international news.
Seriously, what are you getting out of this? It’s like arguing the sky isn’t blue.
Its ironic that when reading another thread about the motivation behind this gesture, ‘having taken too much Ketamine’ was one of the more innocent suggested explanations! What a World!
Its to move the Overton window. It is clear the Elon gave a “Roman” Nazi salute. There are forces trying to control the narrative. Gaslight. Obstruct. Project.
Deny. Defend. Depose.
I had to google Overton window, (I learnt something) and your comment sounds plausible
Confusing title. How can a car be a Nazi?
The same way you have a nazi uniform.
The audacity calling me a Nazi. You don’t know anything about me. Rekativising the atrocities Hitler has done by using Nazism as a common term. You don’t know anything.
Kicked dog hollers.
“you” was rhetorical. You do understand that someone can wear a Nazi uniform? That is no different than driving a nazi car.
Your just gonna piss your ignorance all over this thread, like an old incontinent weiner dog, aintcha?
I’m voicing my opinion about titles like that. They are posted here to invoke a reaction. 99% of commenters here haven’t read the article. The title is the whole reason why it’s posted.
Tesla is a nazi-owned company.
That’s why you’re defending them.
Nazism, formally named National Socialism, is the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.
You Americans need to stop using strong words you have no idea about. You can call him far-right douchebag.
Nazism, formally named National Socialism, is the far-right totalitarian socio-political ideology and practices associated with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party (NSDAP) in Germany.
elon and all his simps are nazis.
You can call him far-right douchebag.
I will continue calling him a nazi because that’s all he is. If it embarrasses you to have elon self-identify as a nazi by saluting like a nazi twice, good.
All you’re doing here is gatekeeping nazism. Gatekeeping your party.
You’re either deliberately obtuse, or simple reading comprehension is beyond you. Either way, waste of time explaining anything.
If you took a handgun from a Nazi, wouldn’t that be a Nazi handgun?
I didn’t think they are saying the car chose to be a Nazi
That is a USA-style title. They love being loud and use strong words without understanding of their meaning. Cultural nuance.
Starting every word with a high register letter is also a characteristic of this style.
And mostly used by Americans, American.
It’s literally used anywhere that uses a latin derived alphabet… and a ton of Cyrillic cultures use it…
Not sure about other alphabets.
nobody wants a defective car.
Their cars are pretty good. That is not the problem.
My buddy messed up and spilled a drink in his model X. When pulling up the carpet and panels to clean up he found a bunch of blue painter’s tape where there were supposed to be wiring harnesses and screws. You’ll note that blue painters tape is designed to be temporary, and will not last more than a year or two.
Tesla Model 3 Ranked Last In German TUV Reliability Report
2-3 years Tesla Model 3 14.7% defect rate
After having seen other manufacturer’s cars at similar prices points, I must say, I disagree.
I’m sure there’s a bit of subjectivity and having gotten used to it. But the ones I’ve tried as replacement for my Model Y so far haven’t impressed me.
How do you feel about owning a Nazi car? Any feelings around that? Curious about your feelings or anyone else owning a Tesla right now.
It’s time to paste anti nazi / antifa sticker on it, but it should be driven until it’s death in respect to all the resources that was needed to build it. I mean, it is still a working car after all.
Sure, fair point. 👍
I’d feel like such a target, to be honest. At least if I was living in politically-volatile America right now.
Yeah that’s the number one reason I’m looking at other cars right now. So you could say I have some feelings about that.
put 6k miles on my EV9 so far and loving it, much roomier than model Y
I’ve heard mixed stuff, like some people saying it’s plastic and stuff and only serviceable via Tesla if things go wrong?
Others I know have driven it for years and have been happy except the whole Musk shit which leads to your point. (excluding Cybertruck, I don’t know anyone that drives a Cybertruck).
My brother has a model 3. It’s a nifty car. The advanced cruise control (not their FSD) is better than the Blue-Cruisr in my Ford, and works on more roads. Build quality seems about the same TBH, although my brother may just have a good example. The Tesla charging network is expansive, and would be a major point to the Model 3, but other cars can charge there now, even older models can do it with an adapter.
Ergonomics-wise, I think the Ford is much better. Better controls on the steering wheel, has a “gauge cluster” instead of putting important info on the center display away from the driver’s line of sight, and it’s easier to open the doors, both from the outside, inside, and in the case of emergencies.
The Ford doesn’t randomly slam the brakes on the highway, so I’d call that a plus. Look up “phantom braking”.
I’ve heard mixed stuff, like some people saying it’s plastic and stuff
This is mostly true. I cannot say if it’s more or less plastic than competition. Doesn’t seem that different to my non-car-experienced eyes.
and only serviceable via Tesla if things go wrong?
I don’t think this is true.
I don’t think this is true.
Yeah, it’s why I added a question mark.
I’ve had one friend say because it’s electronic that only Tesla can fix certain things? Maybe I misunderstood maybe they meant that because it’s under warranty where the dealership should be fixing it.
Tesla doesn’t do a lot of the body work or glass type of things, but if you need a new computer, heat pump or anything like that, it’s going to be with Tesla, and especially anything around the battery/power train. Most 3rd party battery replacements fail early due to all the modules not being levelled properly or some fancy battery term for it.
They could (and should) open up a lot of that to 3rd parties, but they keep it in house.
It’s not locked in such a way that only Tesla can do it, but it can be hard to find places that will service them. Especially smaller shops just don’t want to go through the hassle of figuring it out, and figuring out how to order parts and such, at least where I live.
Basically, it is going to depend on the shops near you and while Tesla doesn’t seem to actively prevent it I think they make it enough of a hassle for other shops that it may be true in some places that you can only rely on them for repairs.
They’ve probably had more recalls on the cyber truck than they’ve had sales of the cyber truck
I just want to stop seeing a storm of them when I am on a road. I can’t seem to drive anywhere without seeing approximately 10 within a single hour.