Good point, can’t believe I missed that one all this time.
Good point, can’t believe I missed that one all this time.
One of them is actually called Guake in honour of that.
Yeah, wouldn’t mind that for the next 4 years or so, possibly longer.
I mean, I don’t. He was terrible and I hate that Democrats are laundering his and the Cheney’s reputations. It’s just that Republicans have always been on a downhill trajectory, each President worse than their predecessor.
Yep, they can turn on a dime because they have no principles. They were the same people who wouldn’t tolerate any criticism of Bush II back in 2003 who have since spat him out completely.
When Trump’s out of office everyone will claim they never voted for him either.
They just won’t mention it. Plus there’s an actual ISIS terrorist they can focus on anyway.
During the 2008 financial crisis both Obama and McCain had White House meetings to try and figure out a solution, that was before the election. But I guess in that instance they were all basically on the same team and Bush didn’t want to set up his successor for failure, whomever it was (McCain would’ve probably done the exact same thing).
Very compelling argument. I look forward to the supreme Court case.
Thou shalt have no other gods before me
Is a non-compete agreement with God himself, ergo, non-competes are divine law. ( /s but I could see a judge making that argument )
Like, especially the way the Obama administration bailed out banks, while not giving any support to home owners. Banks were allowed to fraudulently foreclose on homes and sell those homes for a profit later. It angered a lot of people and in some ways did lead to Trump’s rise, and it’s only like a decade later that those stories are being told and somewhat being reckoned with (and the democratic party is still deep in denial about that, Obama can not be criticised).
The way it should’ve been handled would’ve been:
It would’ve been way cheaper than the throwing money at the failing banks.
But of course, the right wing media wasn’t interested in substantial criticism, mainstream media didn’t want to criticise wall street because they’re increasingly owned by wall street, so the only place you’ll find this is in ‘fringe’ independent left wing media.
Mainstream media wasn’t critical enough, no. The right wing media was just going after irrelevant bullshit like the birtherism, tan suits and mustard. The entire media failed the country, but then again, that’s been true for decades.
Basically: got to buy a house early as opposed to most of us ( probably with parents’ help), got lucky on the stock market (because he wasn’t spending everything on rent), and works as a CFO somewhere.
Definitely not in everyone’s reach here.
Yep, before industrialisation you had powerful guilds that would hold monopolies over production of certain goods and we’re basically unions before the fact.