A cranky biologist who means well. My hobbies include long walks off short piers and anything science related.

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Running an instance is pretty trivial from a sysadmin standpoint, so I do lean towards smaller entities just running their own, to prevent monolithic censorship.

    They can just disable comments so they don’t have to moderate anything. A county could run just a read-only instance that would have a community for every department that needed to do public communication. The road department could post about a bridge closure, the conservation district could promote a volunteer event, and so forth.

  • Mike Ermentraut was an amazing character. They built him so well as a fully 3 dimensional broken man who still held on to a sort of moral code, warped as that was.

    The actor was excellent and portrayed ‘old-man strength’ perfectly. The pain he held inside but never even seems to really understand was written on that bumpy face. But you knew and really believed that he struggled to show his kind of love to the remnants of his family. Mike died as a fully human being.