You have to use it a lot. From what I can tell that’s their problem, they priced unlimited access low based on some numbers they pulled out their arse and then were all shocked Pikachu face when people used it and unlimited amount.
You have to use it a lot. From what I can tell that’s their problem, they priced unlimited access low based on some numbers they pulled out their arse and then were all shocked Pikachu face when people used it and unlimited amount.
Male chicks are largely considered a waste-product of the poultry industry, you don’t need many males to maintain the population. It’s cheaper and easier to identify them once they hatch, at which point they have no economic value and so are killed.
I think the facists used to call it a Roman salute too. They tend to have something of a hard-on for Rome.
Well, he’s clearly not talking about small people like say, me or you compared to Trump or Musk. And let me be clear, he is probably wrong about that as well. If Trump is anti-google that is likely nothing more than a negotiating position.
It’s probably just a language thing. When he says small people he means sub-mega corporations. Actual humans probably pass beneath his notice.
What, at the youthful age of 69? Kid needs more experience.
Fixed penalties just become the cost of doing business. Like actors, we need to start asking for percentage of gross.
No wonder he was the captain of the Black Perl…